Book - The Divine Planning of Evolutionary Course of the Mankind on the Earth and in the Stellar Space


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Attention to the English Language Readers

2015-06-08 : This is my first attempt to translate the artitle that follow ... from its Greek Language Edition to the English Language. Corrections will follow soon. Please stay on Alert !.

In the meantime, please visit the similar web page in Greek Language.

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01 Book

Title :

The Divine Planning of Evolutionary Course of the Mankind on the Earth and in the Stellar Space

Author : Georgios VULASIKIS

Language : Greek

Pages 205

Price : 10 Euro

Orders at preference via Mobile Telephone - You send Written Message SMS to my Mobile Telephone 00306942686838

and send email to my email address

Sales immediately in Athens, in Greece, next to the water fountain,

in the Syntagma Square. (station Syntagma of the Metro of Athens).

Attention to the English Language Readers

2015-04-19 : This is my first attempt to translate the Table of Contents and the Preface of the Book from its Greek Language Edition to the English Language. Corrections will

follow soon. Please stay on Alert !.

2015-04-25 : A few corrections were made, after my first scanning of the English text - which had been generated by a computer translating software on 2015-04-19. Please stay on Alert !.

2015-04-26 : A few corrections ware made, after my second scanning of the English text.


Table of Contents

Preface 11

Unlimited Universes It contains Stellar Space and the Seven Ages of Mother of Earth and the Action the Good and the Evil 13

The Divine Planning of Human Course 31

The Plan of Numerical Course of Mankind on the Earth and in the Outer Space and the Seven Levels of Matter 47

My Scientific and Philosophical Opinion of Human Course of Then Time Landscape 1977. Then that I acquired also the Intellectual Property from the National Library of Greece, however I did not proceeded to the Publication of my Book Because of Lack Scientific and Other Data 83

The Explanation of Biblical Paradise and Adam and Eve. 95

The Likely Age of our own Universe with the Help of Spectral Analyses of Radiation of Celestrial Bodies 103

Difficult Stellar Space and the Help that Provides for us the Divine Planning to his Confrontation 115

The Likely reasons of Global Warming 137

The Explanation of ` of Six Days of Creation 145

Upward and Downward the Gravity in Various Geographic and Time Landscapes 157

The Explanation of Current Science for the Global Warming of the Planet earth 167

The First Steps of Checking Course of the Earth and Quantitatively Levels of Waters 173

American Volcanologists and Pyro sphere of the Earth 177

The Complicated Mechanism of Event of Gravity 183

The Creation of Matter of Universe 195

Genesis of Comets, the Stellar Course and the Conclusion in Solar Systems 199

My Demand for Discussion with Leading Scientists in order that They undertake

the Governing of our Planet, Because the Big and Various Dangers that Appear in our Course 203

Bibliography 205



With the help Divine Enlightenment and the multifaceted human knowledge in the all sectors of human activity in the all time and geographic landscapes of the Earth and our Evolutionary course until today, I will try to give a overall picture of human course on the Earth as well as in the stellar space to which we will move, when the mother Earth because cooling of interior nuclear reactor is not able to provide the fuel matter for the operation of our planet, also she will not be able to provide the energy for the maintenance of living life.

In accordance to these data it should we know that in the finish of our Earthy course we will be materially intellectual distillations and will walk to stellar space, to a difficult course with the wish to know also the two aspects of science the visible matter and the invisible distillation of matter that accompanies and controls the matter.

The mark of also two aspects of matter, that is to say visible and immaterial world, is realized with the help of knowledge. With the absolute mark the visible and invisible world is realized the composition of science with the possibility of connecting the invisible world with the visible world and reversely, as well as the decomposition and the composition of matter.

The knowledge that us will help we know also the two aspects of science has three levels that lead:

1. In the scientific observation,

2. In the scientific composition,

3. In the scientific intelligence and knowledge of spirit of law.

When we reach in the finish of our extraterrestrial course in accordance of our divine planning, which led us to learn and to apply the extraterrestrial mechanic science, we will be intellectually invisible distillations, imperishable from the time and from the materials invisible obstacles and we will have the possibility of traveling in the all universe with the speed of thought and we will enjoy the joy and the happiness that us gave a very difficult and long course of continuous learning in the difficult tunnel the Earthy and extraterrestrial years.






Honourable your Mr Vulasikis, I Thank you very much for topical and interesting study.

With friendly greetings









for more details please visit the Greek Web Page biblia gnosis in Greek


From part of writer Mr. Georgios Vulasikis, we seek editor in countries of abroad, in order to translate and publish the book “the DIVINEPLANNING of EVOLUTIONARY COURSE of PERSON IN the EARTH AND IN THE STELLAR SPACE” that wrote, in the following foreignlanguages,

1. English,

2. Spanish,

3. French,

4. German,

5. Italian,

6. Portuguese,

7. Russian,

8. Arabic,

9. Japanese,

10. Korean,

11. Chinese,

Please communicate with us.

Send Written Message in my Mobile Telephone 00306942686838




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