Ancient Pyramid Technology for the Golden Age


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Ancient Pyramid Technology for the Golden Age

January 2, 2013 7 Comments

Torsion: A “Fifth Force” Synonymous with Consciousness?

Before we get into the meat of this article, it is necessary to provide a little context and introduce the important concept of torsion waves. The first research generally credited with the discovery of this “fifth force” was that done in the late 1800s by Russian professor N.P. Myshkin.[i] Einstein’s colleague Dr. Eli Cartan reportedly first coined the term “torsion” in 1913 in reference to this force’s twisting movement through the fabric of space-time. In the 1950s—the same decade Watson and Crick discovered the helical structure of DNA—pioneering Russian astrophysicist Dr. N.A. Kozyrev (1908–1983) conclusively proved the existence of this energy with extensive and novel physical experiments. Here we will see further evidence of one of Kozyrev’s profound findings: that torsion waves—not unlike DNA—flow in a sacred geometric (phi) spiral.[ii]

Torsion fields are generated by spin or angular momentum; any object or particle that spins produces torsion waves and possesses its own unique torsion field. This is neither a magnetic phenomenon, nor an electrical one, though torsion has been referred to as “pseudo-magnetism” by at least one researcher. Since torsion fields influence spin states, one object’s torsion field can be changed by the influence or application of an external torsion field. “As a result of such an influence, the new configuration of the torsion field will be fixed as a metastable state (as a polarized state) and will remain intact even after the source of the external torsion field is moved to another area of space.Thus torsion fields of certain spatial configuration can be ‘recorded’ on any…object.” [iii] (emphasis added)

The realization of the unique properties of torsion fields immediately suggests compelling links to various psi or parapsychological phenomena: the “charging” of an object with intent in voodoo; the informational recording of events in “inert matter” so that the record can later be “read” by a “psychometrist”; spoon bending and other psychokinetic phenomena; telepathy and more. While we lack the space for even a small survey of such literature here, the theme of primary interest for us is the link that has been established between torsion fields, the physical morphology of building structures (pyramids in particular), and consciousness.

Pyramids as “Torsion Siphons”

Russian and Ukranian research into pyramids has yielded some very interesting results regarding torsion waves. The Russians found that the pyramid shape naturally harnesses torsion waves emanating from the earth, as if amplifying them. It has been experimentally established that objects that feature the Golden Section, which expresses Phi (1.618) or phi (0.618), can be described as passive torsion generators.[iv] In point of fact, objects featuring the phi ratio[*] of 0 to 0.618 made the best passive torsion generators in the research carried out at the Physics Institute of the Ukraine Academy of Sciences and at Chernovitsky University by the Akimov group. The logical inference to make, then, is that torsion waves are indeed phi spirals.[v] This spiralling force in the vacuum/aether (a virtual aether, or hyperdimensional domain—not the lumeniferous aether of the late 19th century) can enhance not only biological functions, but psycho-spiritual operations as well, as we see in a moment.


[*] Phi with a capital “P” is 1.618, whereas phi with lower case “p” is .618. Phi/phi = Golden Section/Mean/Ratio. In the Fibonacci sequence, any number divided by the next higher number gives a ratio of .618, while any number divided by the next lower number gives a reciprocal of 1.618.

Immune Enhancement and Cancer Prevention

For well over a decade, teams from the Russian Academy of Sciences have carried out a variety of unorthodox experiments using pyramids constructed in Russia and the Ukraine by Muscovite scientist and defense engineer Dr. Alexander Golod. The first pyramid was built in 1990, and by 2001, seventeen had been built in eight different Russian and Ukrainian sites. By 2010, over fifty had been built around the world, with the majority remaining in Russia and the Ukraine.[vi] Over 1,000 experiments have been carried out inside these pyramids, all of which have been built according to the Phi ratio of 1 to 1.618. The Pyramid of Life website states that over the past thirty years, over 150 pyramids based on the Golden Section (Phi ratio) have been constructed around the world.[vii] The results of experiments performed inside and nearby these structures are nothing less than world-changing. They completely fly in the face of conventional physics and chemistry. Under this sub-heading we’ll look at some of the ways “pyramid power” can influence and enhance normal biological processes in “paranormal” ways.

Professor Klimenko and Dr. Nosik from the Ivanovskii R&D Institute of Virology with the Russian Academy of Medical Science studied the pyramid field’s effects on the antiviral activity of immunoglobulin. The specific immunoglobulin in question was venoglobulin, an intravenously administered solution made from human plasma containing immune system antibodies. Two venoglobulin samples were diluted in distilled water down to a concentration of 50 micrograms per milliliter and 5 mg/ml, respectively, and stored in a pyramid for a short while (the implication is no more than a few days). Cultures of human diploid fibroblast cells were then treated with the venoglobulin/water samples from the pyramid. Twenty-four hours later they were deliberately contaminated with the encephalomyocarditis virus. The 50 mg/ml sample decreased the virus’ breeding capabilities by a massive 300%. Incredibly, the antiviral effect was still maintained with pyramid-treated samples at concentrations of 0.005 and 0.00005 mg/ml.[viii]

This finding immediately reminded me of the research in the US by Dr. Glen Rein (and later done with researchers at the HeartMath Institute), investigating remote healing. Essentially, these researchers (and others) have established that the energy of consciousness, when operating with the intent to heal, always influences the distant recipient’s biochemical processes in such a way as to evoke a general, systemic health-enhancing effect—even if highly specific intentionality or visualization is employed.[ix]

The team of Prof. A.G. Antonov from the Russian R&D Institute of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology tested the effects of a placebo solution of 40% glucose in distilled water after it had been stored in a pyramid. By administering only 1 ml of the glucose to 20 different prematurely born infant patients with seriously compromised immune systems, their levels of health were seen to increase rapidly up to practically normal values. The researchers furthermore established that the glucose was not necessary (it has no medicinal properties anyway), as the same effect could be produced by simply using 1 ml of ordinary water that had been stored in the pyramid.[x]

What if you just put a diseased organism straight in the pyramid? Dr. N. B. Egorova at the Mechnikov R&D Institute of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences sought to find out what might happen if white, under-bred lab mice between 12 and 14 grams were infected with salmonella typhimurium 415 (typhoid fever) to varying degrees of severity, and then held in the pyramid. A control group would undergo the same infective procedures but would not see any time inside the pyramid. At smaller doses, 60% of the pyramid group survived, while a mere 7% of their unfortunate control group counterparts lived through the ordeal. At larger doses, 30% of the pyramid-treated mice survived, while only 3% of the controls lived—a whopping 1000% improvement![xi] Similar results were achieved with mice contaminated by different carcinogens. The experimental group drank pyramid-treated water, while the control group drank normal water. The result should have oncologists taking notice: the experimental group suffered less tumor growth than the control group.[xii] Given the generally ineffective and expensive mainstream “cut,” “slash,” and “burn” cancer treatment techniques, these findings deserve serious attention.

Pyramid Power Utilitarianism

Pyramids hasten dehydration of organic materials and facilitate food preservation (and therefore mummification also). This (re)discovery dates back over fifty years to when a Frenchman named Antoine Bovis sought refuge from the Egyptian sun in the Great Pyramid’s King’s Chamber (located in the center of the pyramid, one third of the way up from the base). Despite the high humidity, Bovis noticed that in the garbage cans amongst the tourist litter was a dead cat and some small desert animals that had died inside the pyramid. Somehow they had not decayed in the usual manner, but had dried out like mummies.

Intrigued, Bovis made a scale model of the Great Pyramid and placed it so that the bases faced exactly north-south and east-west—just like the original does. Inside of the model, one third of the way up from the base, he placed a dead cat. When it became mummified he concluded that the pyramid shape must foster rapid dehydration. This experiment was repeated by Dr. Karel Drbal, a radio engineer in Prague, who used the corpses of several dead animals and also obtained anomalous results. He concluded that the internal space of a pyramid has a relationship with the physical, chemical, and biological activities occurring within it.[xiii] Somehow, the pyramid’s form influences physical processes occurring inside of it—some unseen form of energy must be involved.

Blunted razor blades will spontaneously sharpen again when placed in a pyramid as the crystalline structure is regenerated by the harnessed energy.[xiv] Drbal first discovered this effect (apparently in the late 1950s), and then attempted to patent and market his pyramid as a device that would re-sharpen blunted razor blades. Initially, however, the patent office in Prague refused to grant Drbal his patent, and it wasn’t until their chief scientist built a model for himself and got the same results that they finally did. Thus, in 1959, Drbal was awarded a Czech patent for his Cheops Pyramid Razor Blade Sharpener (Patent No. 91304), and a factory then began producing miniature cardboard pyramids. By 1973, they were being made with styrofoam.[xv]

Drbal was further vindicated in 2001, when Dr. V. Krasnoholovets showed with scanning-electron microscope photography that the molecular structure of the edge of a razor blade was being altered over a period of thirty days within a small pyramid-like structure dubbed a “resonator.” Essentially, it was a small, glass A-frame structure with a base of 20 cm and a height of 12.7 cm, oriented East to West. Krasnoholovets emphasised the necessity of acknowledging that all matter is immersed within a “quantum aether,” and the interaction of atoms with that quantum medium induces “interton” (torsion) fields. In turn, these influence physical processes occurring within the aetheric medium.[xvi]

Though we must make haste to break the monopolistic energy control of the world’s “oil barons,” it is still fascinating to note that a pyramid placed in the locale of a number of oil wells led—in just a few days—to a 30% increase in the production of oil, as the viscosity decreased by 30%. The composition of the oil itself was also altered. Further experiments involving the Gubkin Moscow Academy of Oil and Gas confirmed the original results.[xvii]

More importantly, in the arena of agriculture, impressive improvements in crop yields were observed simply as a result of housing seeds in a pyramid from one to five days. More than twenty cultures were sown over tens of thousands of hectares of land, and in every case the crop yield increased from 20­–100%. The crops were drought-resistant, healthy, and showed decreased levels of toxic substances. Similar results were then obtained simply by outlining crops with rocks that had spent time in a pyramid.[xviii]

Further experiments were carried out under the direction of Dr. Yuri Bogdanov of the Scientific and Thechnological Institute of Transcription, Translation and Replication (Kharkiv, Ukraine). Bogdanov oversaw the construction of several large, model pyramids in Russia, one of which went up in the Ramenskoe settlement of Moscow. This 12 m pyramid led to a fourfold (400%) increase in wheat production. Studies into the pyramid’s effects on matter were also conducted. They found that the half-life of radioactive carbon changed (presumably decreased); molecular structures of salts were altered; strength of concrete was altered; likewise for the optical properties of crystals. Studies on rabbits and mice showed endurance increased by 200%, and leukocyte (white blood cell) levels changed as well.[xix]

Even more important than food is water, and with corporate monopolizing of this essential resource increasing, we need to make better use of it. In Blizhnii Bereznik, a town situated in the Arkhangelsk region of Russia, the local council ordered a complex of pyramids be constructed to treat well water that was contaminated by strontium and other heavy metals. The project was a success. Similarly, in a town called Krasnogorskoe, near Moscow, a single pyramid was built to desalinate the water—apparently successfully.[xx]

Other “less authentic results” obtained in pyramid studies, which Krasnoholovets felt were none the less worthy of mention, included decreases in: the potency of toxins; radioactivity; the pathogenic potency of viruses and bacteria; potency of psychotropic substances. Some “rather reassuring data” were also obtained in the use of pyramid-treated intravenous solutions used to treat alcoholism and drug addiction.[xxi] One wonders what protective effects one of Golod’s Golden Section pyramids might have brought with it had there been one located nearby to the Fukushima reactor when the earthquake off Japan’s coast and the subsequent tsunami struck in early 2011. It seems possible that, with a pyramid sufficiently close by, the severity of the earthquake might have been greatly lessened, preventing massive destruction. Russian researchers reputedly found that after the construction of a pyramid, a given locale was protected from severe quakes. Instead, several hundred tiny quakes occurred, causing no damage at all. Evidently the pyramids were somehow reducing the friction between tectonic plates, and thereby the severity of their shifts.[xxii]

According to Dr. John DeSalvo, Director of The Great Pyramid of Giza Research Association, the taller the pyramid, the stronger the effects.[xxiii]

Enhancing the Mind

Various researchers consider torsion waves as being synonymous or identical with consciousness itself—an idea I elaborate on at length in TGI 1. Since torsion waves are a fundamental and ubiquitous feature of the cosmos we can therefore see how consciousness is also; consciousness has a real and detectable force which can act on the environment both locally and remotely. Suddenly the notion of something like psychokinesis is not so “paranormal.” For author Sol Luckman (creator of the Regenetics Method), terms like prana, chi, and orgone are just different names for “the light-based aspect of…torsion energy.” [xxiv]Thus, harnessing more torsion also means harnessing more light, and possibly facilitating “enlightenment.”

In Russian jails, “pyramid power” reduced criminal behaviour in a total population of about 5,000 prison inmates. By storing crystalline substances in one of the fibreglass pyramids built under the direction of Dr. Alexander Golod, and later distributing those objects through the jails, the incidence of criminal behaviour within the jails virtually disappeared within a few months.[xxv] The decrease in incidence of criminal behaviour obviously suggests a corresponding increase in feelings of peacefulness and goodwill among the inmates within the facilities involved in this research. (Perhaps we should have a Golden Section pyramid built near the Pentagon?)

Thus, “pyramid power” influences the operations of consciousness as well. This has been shown experimentally (as above), as well as anecdotally. For instance, some time around 1980, out-of-body explorer and author Robert Monroe was driving past his old home in Westchester County, New York—the site of his first out-of-body experiences. As Monroe recalled, a psychologist friend who was with him in the car took one look at the house, turned, and smiled, as he noted that the roof of the house formed a “perfect pyramid.” “You were living in a pyramid. That did it!”[xxvi]

The ancient pyramids, in particular the Great Pyramid at Giza, served multiple esoteric functions such as facilitating OBEs and cosmic consciousness in initiatory rituals.[xxvii] Whoever constructed the pyramid of Khufu obviously did not build it merely to house the lifeless corpse of a future pharaoh. The sheer level of mathematical and astrophysical precision and redundancy built into the Great Pyramid and the other monuments at Giza (to say nothing of the undeniable physical evidence of advanced engineering techniques) completely rule this idea out—the builders obviously attached far greater significance to these edifices than conventional Western thinking is (still) able to bear. (I return to the topic of the Great Pyramid in a moment.)

Phi Spirals to Balance and Restore the Earth – Part 1

The aforementioned experimental phenomena are just a few of the many incredible effects observed and verified by large numbers of qualified scientists—and they aren’t even the most amazing. Dr. Alexander Golod spent over ten years building fibreglass pyramids in Russia and the Ukraine for research purposes. For at least some of that time, Golod worked in partnership with a Canadian company called Pyramid of Life, which was founded by engineer and inventor Edward Gorouvein, who has “dedicated many years of his life to research and development of pyramid structures, and utilization of pyramid energy in everyday life.”[xxviii]

The Pyramid of Life website states that over the past thirty years, over 150 pyramids based on the Golden Section (phi ratio) have been constructed around the world, the tallest of them being 44 m, and made entirely of non-conductive materials (no metal). This one was constructed by Golod and Gorouvein in Russia in 1999.[xxix] Incredibly, radar measurements ultimately revealed an enormous anomalous column of ionised energy had formed around this small pyramid over a radius of 300 km(!) and with a varying height of 800 m to 2 km. (This column is thought to have repaired the ozone layer over Russia.[xxx])


Gorouvein speculates that the center of the column of ionised radiation represents the “funnel” of a massive vortex. Note that this discovery of a spontaneously generated energy beam by Golod/Gorouvein preceded the discovery of the monolithic Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun, identified as an artificial construction in 2005 by Dr. S.S. Osmanagich, Professor of Anthropology at the American University in Bosnia-Herzegovina, and his team. This was the first discovery of pyramids in Europe—and what a find it was: a complex a mere 34 km drive north-west of Sarajevo containing no less than five previously unknown pyramids!

Figure 1: Bosnian pyramids: the first officially discovered in Europe

The largest pyramid in the Bosnian complex, dubbed the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun, is currently recognised as the tallest pyramid on the planet—by far. At 220 m tall, it dwarfs the Great Pyramid in Egypt by a whopping 73 m. Not only that, but physicists have reportedly discovered a beam of energy of 4.5 m radius shooting out of the top at a frequency of 28,000 Hz. Dr. Osmanagich reports: “The beam is continuous and its strength grows as it moves up and away from the pyramid. This phenomenon contradicts the known laws of physic [sic] and technology. This is the first proof of non-herzian technology on the Planet…and this ‘energy machine’ is still working.”[xxxi]

Here we seem to be witnessing torsion physics in action, as the Pyramid of the Sun harnesses the almost-impossible-to-detect phi spirals radiating from the Earth and focuses them at its tip with enough intensity that it generates a detectable high-frequency column of EM energy—as per Golod’s and Gorouvein’s comparatively tiny 44 m fibreglass version based on phi. A structure does not have to be based specifically on the phi ratio/Golden Section for it to be able to better harness the torsion waves radiating from the Earth—any cylindrical, cone-shaped or pyramidal object will do it. Since this energy is fundamentally intelligent, harnessing it not only enhances one’s physical health, but one’s “spiritual consciousness” also.[xxxii]Readers might be interested to note that the human body is constructed according to the Golden Section, right down to our DNA spirals itself—we are literally torsion antennas, right down to our most fundamental microbiological levels.[xxxiii]

Figure 2(a – top) The Golden Section in the human arm,

Figure 2(b – bottom) DNA Fibonacci spiral structure

Fig. 2(a) source: Sacred Geometry by Robert Lawlor.

Image credit: Thames & Hudson Ltd, London.

Fig. 2(b) source:

Why should we care if there is powerful, focused energy emanating from pyramids? There is a planetary grid comprised of several geometric figures (including some of the well-known Platonic solids) circumscribed within the Earth, all nested within one another. The vertices of these geometries are mapped out on the surface of the Earth, as the result of a multi-team research effort dating back to the 1970s. Under the next sub-heading I will give you some background so that we can begin to understand the profound importance of the many pyramid structures and pyramid-like structures (such as ziggurats) as well as other massive ancient monuments found right around the world—many of which we still do not have the technical know-how to shift the multi-ton building blocks of, let alone recreate in their entirety!

“When attempts have been made to build pyramids using the theorized methods of the ancient Egyptians, they have fallen considerably short. The great pyramid is 483 feet high and houses 70 ton pieces of granite lifted to a level of 175 feet. Theorists have struggled with stones weighing up to 2 tons to a height of a few feet,” writes researcher Christopher Dunn.[xxxiv]

Geometry in the Aether

The researchers who brought us what we now call the earth grid are Bruce Cathie, Carl Munck, Richard Hoagland, the one-time husband and wife team Drs William Becker and Bethe Hagens, Ivan P. Sanderson, and a team of three Russians, we will name in a moment. By collating and synthesizing the work of these people, author David Wilcock realized that the sum total of all their work combined was that the primary geometrical shapes of the octave must exist all nested together within the Earth’s spherical field, just as they must exist in all fundamental units of existence (consciousness units) at all scales. (As above, so below: the motto of the holofractal universe.)

There is no way for me to fully encapsulate and truly do justice to the brilliant work of these people, or Wilcock’s synthesis of it, but briefly, the primary geometric forms encoded and circumscribed within the hyperdimensional field of Earth are: an octahedron, a cube (both of these being first identified by independent scientist Bruce Cathie), two interlaced tetrahedra*, an icosahedron (identified initially by Ivan P. Sanderson), a dodecahedron (mapped by Nikolai Goncharov, a Muscovite historian, Vyacheslav Morozov, a construction engineer, and Valery Makarov, an electronics specialist. These three scientists worked directly from Sanderson’s research), and an icosahedrally derived spherical polyhedron (initially developed by Buckminster Fuller but adapted by Becker and Hagens and applied to the template the Russian researchers had developed from Sanderson’s work).

For Wilcock, the Becker/Hagens grid finally “cracked the code” of the Platonic solids’ positions on Earth. The grid, overlaid onto the Earth’s surface, corresponds rather strikingly with the formation of the planet’s landmasses, indicating a hyperdimensional energetic template guiding the development of the 3D Earth. In short, on Earth, the grid controls the positioning of the continental landmasses.[xxxv]

Figure 3: The Platonic solids

From Nothing in This Book Is True, But It’s Exactly How Things Are, Third Edition, Revised and Expanded by Bob Frissell, published by Frog Books/North Atlantic Books, copyright © 1994, 2002, 2009 by Bob Frissell. Images borrowed by permission of publisher.

Around the globe, the node points of this grid that touch the surface of the Earth produce anomalies that typically baffle conventional science: anomalies in which alternate dimensions appear to interface with one another (or to put it another way, at these points what we are calling time-space/aether appears to interface with our space-time).

Sanderson (1911–1973) tackled huge volumes of data, mostly from anomalous reports declared by hundreds of pilots and mariners, and systematically organized them, proving “beyond a shadow of a doubt that some very interesting anomalies were visible in certain areas of the Earth’s oceans”—anomalies such as those being commonly reported in the Bermuda Triangle (and other lesser known places). By statistically analyzing the different places where these events occurred on the globe, Sanderson initially identified ten common points of anomalous occurrence. Five of them lined up on the same northern tropical latitude, each longitudinally separated by 72° from the next. The other five were laid out the same in the southern hemisphere, only shifted 20° to the east.[xxxvi]

Figure 4: Sanderson’s ten equidistant vile vortices (north and south poles excluded)

In these precisely geometrically spaced “vile vortices,” as Sanderson dubbed them, disappearances (over 1,000 ships and aircraft have vanished in the Bermuda Triangle[xxxvii]) and time-warping events occurred as well. Sanderson found evidence for these time-space disturbances in the other vortices besides Bermuda, and when one astute observer pointed out to him that the North and South Poles should be included since they fit the same geometric relationships, Sanderson finally had his “twelve Devil’s graveyards.”[xxxviii]

Now we come full circle back to the pyramids we have been discussing. If you connect the centers of the equilateral triangular faces that make up Sanderson’s icosahedral grid, you end up with a dodecahedron (which is made up of twelve pentagonal faces). Once the Russian scientists had superimposed the dodecahedral grid over Sanderson’s, they discovered that over 3,300 ancient sites, complexes and monuments (often made from stone, and including the Great Pyramid) were constructed on the grid, indicating that the ancients sought to use the most “coherent” energetic locations to facilitate healing effects, the shielding of gravity, and possibly even time travel (which need not involve the movement of one’s body in space at all).[xxxix]

Figure 5: The dodecahedral grid by Goncharov, Morozov, and Makarov.

Further still, all of the giant, rapidly rotating fluid outer planets of our solar system (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune) possess one other extremely significant attribute consistent with a hyperdimensional energetic model: they all radiate into space more energy than they receive from the sun (in Neptune’s case, almost three times this amount).[xl] Physicist Paul A. LaViolette refers to this as genic energy, and it is the result of the aether/gravity creating matter in our reality—something conventional models cannot properly account for. (To Dr. Kozyrev, stars were “machines” which obtained their energy from the flow of “time” [aether] as it streamed into them.)[xli]

On top of this, many entities in our solar system evidence dramatic energetic activity at or close to 19.5° north and/or south of their equatorial line—consistent with the presence of tetrahedral geometry—indicating again that there is a hyperdimensional energy matrix in which all objects in space are immersed and, indeed, created from. The tetrahedral geometry was identified by Richard Hoagland and his colleagues at the Mission Enterprise. Hoagland proved that this geometry was not merely unique to Earth but that it occurred throughout the solar system (and probably throughout the universe).[xlii]

Various ancient structures on Earth have references to the inscribed tetrahedral geometry built into them, not least the Great Pyramid at Giza, which was constructed by a civilization in possession of far greater technical and astronomical knowledge than orthodox Egyptology will admit. The Great Pyramid, not coincidentally, “is built over the single most powerful vortex on the planet, where the lines of the tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, dodecahedron, and icosahedron all cross.”[xliii]

This is truly profound because Carl Munck—creator of the science known as “archeocryptology”—showed that, just as we do today, the ancients also used a 360-degree system for mapping the planet. One revelation that Munck presents us with—while he does not deal with the Platonic solids—is that the ancients located zero longitude/the Prime Meridian (PM) not in Greenwich, England, but as running right through the Great Pyramid—the most powerful vortex point on Earth. As Wilcock informs us, this is where “the lines of the tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, dodecahedron, and icosahedron all cross.”[xliv] Whoever constructed this monument clearly knew something that was since lost to science for a long time: the secrets of a hyperdimensional physics—a physics of life and consciousness. This physics—based as it is on the “Flower of Life” (from which we derive phi, the tube torus and all other geometric form, including the proportions of the human body)—is also referred to as “implosion physics.” Ancient flower of life depictions have been found around the world, including burned into a wall on the temple of osiris, egypt. See “thrive” and haramein

Figure 6(a) the Flower of Life; (b) the Fruit of Life; (c) the cube geometry extracted from the Fruit of Life. If you trace the outlines of all the other Platonic solids as well as the cube in Fig. 6(c), you arrive at (d) an intricate (and famous) pattern known as Metatron’s Cube.

First three images from Nothing in This Book Is True, But It’s Exactly How Things Are, Third Edition, Revised and Expanded by Bob Frissell, published by Frog Books/North Atlantic Books, copyright © 1994, 2002, 2009 by Bob Frissell. Images borrowed by permission of publisher.

Pyramid placement at certain node points on the planetary grid suggests quite blatantly that these buildings act to harness the planet’s life-enhancing energies, and stabilize the grid itself,[xlv] though conventional scientific mindsets refuse to acknowledge this fact or study the ancients on their own terms. As “solid-state” energy conductors, many of the world’s ancient pyramids are obviously not merely gigantic tombs for dead royalty—that much is certain. While some of them may have been coopted for those purposes later on, that is a topic beyond the scope of this article. What Carl Munck has discovered through his detailed research is that the exact longitude relative to Giza—and the latitude, down to several decimal places—is encoded in all of the 250 sacred sites that he has studied!

In proving that the placement of the Sacred Sites he’s studied could not have occurred by chance, Munck has also proved that the people who built them must have been able to view our planet from outer space! It would have been literally impossible for us, today, to verify the accuracy of these ancient builders’ calculations before we ourselves had satellites!…[T]he overwhelming implication is that the Sacred Sites—at least the ones that Munck has visited—were planned and executed by the same mind or agency. They were all built according to a single plan.[xlvi]

The only reason that the PM is today located in Greenwich, England, is simply the result of its original use as the orientation point for British ships at sea—a maritime practise ultimately adopted by the other nations. Today’s PM is ultimately an arbitrary designation which has nothing to do with creation physics and the hyperdimensional geometry of the Earth. In contrast, the true PM was identified by the “primitive” ancients as being oriented to the most appropriate point on the face of the entire planet, the point where we would logically expect to find one of the most powerful “aether currents.” Given that ancient crystalline pyramids such the the Great Pyramid are energy “conductors” or “passive torsion generators,” it is only logical to place one on the site of the planet’s most intense natural vortex.

Additionally, geometry and ancient history researcher Stan Tenen notes that the Great Pyramid of Giza is built in harmony with the molecular structure of its own materials. The majority of the pyramid’s blocks are limestone, which is primarily a calcium carbonate crystal. The Great Pyramid was built with a 51 degree, 51 minute slope angle; the calcium carbonate molecule has an approximately 52 degree angle within it, meaning that when pure calcium carbonate crystals are split, they will tend to split along this 52-degree angle. Therefore, Tenen claims, the slope angle of the pyramid brings its entire shape into resonance with the molecules of its building blocks. Tenen knows of no other structure on Earth that does this. Such harmony between the “micro” and “macro” scales of the Great Pyramid would presumably further enhance its innate “pyramid power.”[xlvii] Non-metallic crystalline substances seem to be particularly good for harnessing torsion fields.

Jupiter’s Red Spot shows the effect that the aether currents, such as that found in the Giza complex, have on a gaseous medium. The Red Spot is located 19.5 degrees below the equator on a tetrahedral vertex point.

Figure 7. An artistic rendering of the circumscribed interlaced tetrahedral geometry hidden “within” the planets—including Earth and Jupiter, where the Red Spot appears. Image credit: Isis Graywood.

Phi Spirals to Balance and Restore the Earth – Part 2

We have established that over 3,000 carefully located pyramids, ziggurats, and other ancient structures around the globe were placed deliberately on the earth grid (which researchers have only recently rediscovered), and are harnessing an invisible force/energy emanating from the earth (which most scientists still don’t know about)—an energy that not only affects physical and chemical processes, but conscious processes as well.

Did you know that inside Golod’s and Gorouvein’s 44 m Golden Section pyramid, even at -40° C, regular water inside normal plastic bottles would not freeze, circumventing the laws of physics once more. Just as startling, when the water bottles were hit or shaken, a rapid crystallization process was immediately initiated, with the water turning to ice within 3 to 20 seconds (you can watch footage of this on Meanwhile, a 22 m tall Golden Section pyramid 15 km from Lake Seliger in Northern Russia provided perhaps the most unbelievable result: the reappearance of apparently extinct flower species in the surrounding countryside! New water streams even appeared in the area, drawing in animals, such as a stork, which set up a nest.[xlviii] The land was being healed and rejuvenated, apparently returned to a priorhealthy condition (as suggested by the return of once-extinct flowers)!


This apparent time-reversed effect signals the enhanced presence of aetheric torsion waves—time itself was being engineered! In turn, flower species that may have already been present might actually have been re-written at a genetic level by these torsion waves, resulting in a “reversion” back to once-extinct species!

Furthermore, and central to the theme of strategically placed pyramids at geometric node points and/or where the lines of multiple geometries converge, is the fact that pyramids are also likely there to prevent catastrophic weather. Researchers from the Russian Electrotechnical Institute took seven 100 g pieces of granite previously stored inside a pyramid and compared it to a control group of granite samples that were un-treated. Arranging the rocks in a circle of 1 m diameter on a metallic plate, with an electrode 5 m overhead, the scientists ran a 1400 kilovolt current through the electrode 100 times for each group. The pyramid-treated granite samples turned out to be 500% less likely to be struck by a bolt of electricity than the control group, suggesting that the presence of a pyramid can significantly decrease a given area’s susceptibility to lightning strikes.[xlix]

Reputedly, the pyramid responsible for the 300 kilometer-wide zone of ionised energy, which we mentioned earlier, is actively deflecting storms. The storms pass around this area rather than through it.[l] The practical implications of this should be blatantly obvious. Imagine the carnage that might be prevented by constructing pyramids in hurricane prone areas.

We can continue this theme anecdotally, with more information from out of Russia—this time the city of Nakhodka, where there are two hills shaped like pyramids. Named Brother and Sister, respectively, according to what is known from early settlers of the area they are not natural formations. Located at the mouth of the Partizanka river, Sister (Sestra) is 319 m tall, with 3 sides like that of a pyramid. Brother (Brat) is located about 3 km North to North-East from Sestra. Originally 320.5 meters in height, in the 1960s the upper 78.5 m were sadly blown apart so the stones could be harvested for building projects. (Should Brat and Sestra prove to be “true pyramids,” or even “just” mountains artificially shaped into pyramids, they will easily be the two tallest on earth.)

Russian researcher Maxim Yakovenko reports that locals confided in him that the weather immediately degenerated for several weeks after this act, with hard winds and rain visiting the area. According to Russian anthropologist and historian Arceniev, writing in the early 20th century, Brat and Sestra had been regarded as holy places by ancient settlers, with people coming from China and Korea to pray there. The pyramidal formations had reportedly been there for a long time before the first Russian settlers arrived over 110 years ago—however, they did not know who was responsible for their construction. Like the pyramids in Egypt, the faces of Brat and Sestra are aligned to the cardinal points. “Then and now people say that they feel happy and healthy on [these] hills and I agree with them,” writes Yakovenko.[li]

Hope for the Future

John DeSalvo spent over a year working with the father-and-son team of Alexander and Anatoli Golod, and together they have formed an International Partnership for Pyramid Research. The alliance is trying to make the Russian pyramid research known to the whole planet. DeSalvo has this to say of the Russian pyramid research projects:

The research was done by the most prestigious institutes in the former Soviet Union, including many branches of the Russian National Academy of Sciences. I am convinced that these effects that are reported are real and will be reproduced by other institutions. The benefits for medicine, agriculture, and ecology, to name just a few areas are tremendous.[lii]

Failing wide-scale construction of pyramids around the globe, however, it is important to realise that consciousness can reproduce virtually any effect a pyramid can create. One highly credentialed scientist to take such a notion seriously is Dr. Alexey Dmitriev, Professor of Geology and Mineralogy, and Chief Scientific Member of the United Institute of Geology, Geophysics, and Mineralogy under the Siberian Department of the Russian Academy of Sciences. In a 1997 paper published in IICA Transactions, Volume 4, he stated that there are reasons to believe that “a growth in the ethical, or spiritual quality, of humanity would decrease the number and intensity of complex [natural] catastrophes.”

While most people don’t yet seem to realise it, there are many lines of research supporting Dmitriev’s contention (the space for which we don’t have here). He stressed that, given the heightened incidence of anomalous self-luminous vortex phenomena occurring around the globe—particularly along geological fault lines, for instance—“It has become vitally important that a world chart be prepared setting forth the favorable, and the catastrophic, regions on Earth taking into account the quality of the geologic-geophysical environment, the variety and intensity of cosmic influences, and the real level of spiritual-ethical development of the people occupying those areas.”

Dmitriev’s thesis is that there is an increasing likelihood “that we are moving into a rapid temperature instability period similar to the one that took place 10,000 years ago.”[liii] He therefore acknowledges and emphasizes the role that the collective state of consciousness plays in mediating large-scale geophysical events and weather patterns—no doubt that the ancients did too (rain dance rituals survive to this day). However, by constructing pyramids, temples, and other monuments at key nodal points and geometric lines on the earth’s grid, they appear to have sought to leave as little as possible to chance.

The many pyramid experiments carried out in Russia and elsewhere offer us a new vision of possibility: the means to heal ourselves and our planet by utilizing truly ancient non-electronic pyramid technology, which harnesses the earth’s torsion waves—which we have linked with consciousness itself. This is why Wilcock refers to pyramids as “the most stunningly advanced technology ever built on earth.”[liv] If we can overcome our culturally ingrained prejudices, we could put this technology to use rapidly, and perhaps give subsequent generations the prosperity and peace they deserve.

About the author

Brendan D. Murphy is the author of the critically acclaimed epic THE GRAND ILLUSION: A SYNTHESIS OF SCIENCE & SPIRITUALITY, VOL. 1 (TGI 1), and a contributing writer for several popular magazines and websites. This article has resulted from research conducted for TGI 1 & 2. If you like it, then “like” “The Grand Illusion (TGI)” fan page on Facebook ( for more articles, information, or book excerpts. Hailed as a “masterpiece” by leading-edge author Sol Luckman (POTENTIATE YOUR DNA), Volume 1 of TGI is available for purchase here:


    • [i] D.G. Yurth, Torsion Field Mechanics.

    • [ii] See B.D. Murphy, The Grand Illusion, Vol. 1.

    • [iii] See M.S. Benford, “Spin Doctors”: A New Paradigm Theorizing the Mechanism of Bioenergy Healing.


    • [iv] Yurth, Torsion Field Mechanics.

    • [v] Wilcock, The Divine Cosmos, Ch. 9.5,

    • [vi] Wilcock, The Source Field Investigations, Dutton, 2011, 143.

    • [vii] E. Gorouvein, Golden Section Pyramid,

    • [viii] V. Krasnoholovets et al, On the way to disclosing the mysterious power of the Great Pyramid,

    • [ix] See Muphy.

    • [x] See Lyall Watson, Supernature, Coronet Books, Hodder Paperbacks Ltd, 1974.

    • [xi] Krasnoholovets.

    • [xii] Ibid.

    • [xiii] Watson, 97­–8.

    • [xiv] See Watson, Ch. 3. Ostrander and Schroeder also cover “pyramid power” in Psychic Discoveries

    • [xv] Ibid., 98–9.

    • [xvi] Krasnoholovets.

    • [xvii] Ibid.

    • [xviii] Ibid.

    • [xix] Ibid.

    • [xx] Ibid.

    • [xxi] Ibid.

    • [xxii] Wilcock, The Source Field Investigations, 150­–1.

    • [xxiii] John DeSalvo, Research,

    • [xxiv] Luckman, Conscious Healing (first edition), Booklocker Publishing, 2006, 52.

    • [xxv] International Partnership for Pyramid Research,

    • [xxvi] Robert Monroe, Far Journeys, Main Street Books, Doubleday, 1985, 4.

    • [xxvii] For an introduction to such notions, I suggest reading R. Lomas, The Lost Key; G. Hancock,Fingerprints of the Gods; G. Hancock & R. Bauval, The Message of the Sphinx; J.A. West, Serpent in the Sky; J. Michell, The View Over Atlantis; D. Melchizedek, The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life (2 vol’s).

    • [xxviii]

    • [xxix] E. Gorouvein, Golden Section Pyramid, op. cit.

    • [xxx] Press Release, An apparently conflicting report attributes this anomalous column of energy and the subsequent repair of the ozone layer to the 22 m pyramid.

    • [xxxi] S.S. Osmanagich, World History and Bosnian Pyramids 2011,

    • [xxxii] Wilcock, Shift of the Ages, Ch. 3.

    • [xxxiii] See Murphy, The Grand Illusion Vol. 1.

    • [xxxiv] C.P. Dunn, Advanced Machining in Ancient Egypt,

    • [xxxv] See Wilcock, Shift of the Ages, Chs 11 and 12.

    • [xxxvi] Wilcock, Shift of the Ages, Ch. 11.

    • [xxxvii] M.D. Jones, PSIence, New Page Books, 2007, 69.

    • [xxxviii] Wilcock, The Source Field Investigations, 311–12.

    • [xxxix] Ibid., 314–15.

    • [xl] R. Hoagland, The Monuments of Mars, North Atlantic Books, 1987, 1992, 355–6.

    • [xli] A.P. Levich, On the Way to Understanding the Time Phenomenon: the Constructions of Time in Natural Science. Part 2. The “Active” Properties of Time According to N.A. Kozyrev. World Scientific, 1996, 1–42.

    • [xlii] The complete list of “tetrahedral” anomalies on planets from the original “Message of Cydonia” paper by Hoagland and Torun is available in The Science of Oneness and also online at <>, or just find it at <>.)

    • [xliii] See Wilcock, Shift of the Ages, Ch. 11.

    • [xliv] Ibid.

    • [xlv] See Murphy, The Grand Illusion Vol. 1.

    • [xlvi] C. Munck, Sacred Sites,

    • [xlvii] J. Parr, The Mystery and Secret of the Great Pyramid,

    • [xlviii] E. Gorouvein, Science and Technology,

    • [xlix] Ibid.

    • [l] Wilcock, The Source Field Investigations, 151.

    • [li] M. Yakovenko, Nakhodka, the city of prehistoric times,

    • [lii] Edward Gorouvein, Testimonials,

    • [liii] A. Dmitriev, Planetophysical State of the Earth and Life,

    • [liv]Wilcock, The Source Field Investigations, 145.
