Invitation to Submit Manuscripts to the OREGON JOURNAL OF THE SOCIAL STUDIES

Invitation to Submit Manuscripts to the Oregon Journal of the Social Studies

Executive Editor: Kenneth Carano, Professor, Western Oregon University,

About the Journal: 

The Oregon Journal of the Social Studies, a peer-reviewed electronic journal. Submissions from all social studies disciplines as well as from interdisciplinary perspectives are welcome. Each submission will be refereed using a double-blind peer review process. Submit manuscripts as a file attachment to the executive editor. Submit your manuscript with an email message indicating that it has not been published elsewhere, is not under consideration for publication elsewhere, and that copyright will be given to the Oregon Journal of the Social Studies should it be accepted for publication.

Call for Manuscripts

The editors of the Oregon Journal of the Social Studies, a peer-reviewed electronic journal, are accepting manuscript submissions for future issues.

Submission Guidelines

Submissions from all social studies disciplines as well as from interdisciplinary perspectives are welcome. Each submission will be refereed using a double-blind peer review process. Submit manuscripts as a file attachment to the executive editor.

Submit your manuscript with an email message indicating that it has not been published elsewhere, is not under consideration for publication elsewhere, and that copyright will be given to the Oregon Journal of the Social Studies should it be accepted for publication.


To be sent for peer review, manuscripts must be:

·  Original, accurate, meet submission guidelines, in good form editorially, and not under consideration elsewhere.

·  Submitted in Microsoft .doc or .docx format.

·  Submitted in Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th edition) style.

·  Manuscripts that do not comply with APA format will be returned without review.

·  Formatted in Times New Roman, size 12 font, double spaced with graphics embedded in text in .gif or .jpg file formats.

·  From 2,000 to 5,000 words in length, excluding references.

·  All manuscripts must be written in English.

·  Submit with an e-mail message (a) identifying the category under which the manuscript should be reviewed (i.e. Practice, Research, or Lesson Plan). Confirm that the manuscript has not been published elsewhere, is not under consideration for publication elsewhere, and that copyright will be given to the Oregon Journal of the Social Studies should it be published in the journal. 


Please include: A title page with complete contact information for all authors, including address, telephone, fax, and email.

·  Manuscript that is void of author(s) name and institution(s). 

·  An abstract of 100 words or less following the title page.

·  A biographical sketch of each author of 30 words or less at the end of the manuscript.


For any additional questions please contact 


Manuscripts should be submitted to