
Many tall stories get told in the course of the book, and many narrators may appear as 'economical with the truth' or unreliable witnesses - still, most of these dates come from FUCKUP's narrative, and some appear in the traditional historical record, so they may have an element of truth (but, like reading the memos, you have to keep in mind who told the tale). And it still needs a lot of work...

SPOILER WARNING: some of the following may prove confusing or misleading if you have never read Illuminatus!

Below you will only find the Bogus Magus' own work-in-progress,

but for a pretty complete and detailed Timeline we can recommend Insiders Guide to Robert Anton Wilson by Eric Wagner (link to New Falcon Publications but also available on Amazon) - Appendix Tav: Illuminatus! Timeline


(alternative versions from ELF, Illuminati, etc)


18th Century

Could reference Historical Illuminatus books.



6th Feb Weishaupt born in Ingolstadt, Bavaria

1776 Tom Paine publishes "Common Sense" during American Revolution. 1st May - Weishaupt forms Iluminati.

1777 Weishaupt joins Masonic Lodge (founded in 1723)


Hagbard bumming around in Europe. Dillinger joins the JAMs. No-interest currency experiments tried, but get quashed.

1932 Vince Coll killed. Lindbergh baby kidnapped.

1933 Robert Putney Drake at Harvard. Professor Tochus makes a speech. Hitler makes speech. Dillinger in Crown Point prison, but gets parole after nine years.

1934 Frank Sullivan working as performer, gets offered strange gig. 22 July 'Dillinger' shot.

1935 Dutch Schultz killed. Drake in Zurich meeting Jung, friends of James Joyce, and taking mescaline with Hesse

1936 Drake returns to Boston and banking. Rings Maldonado on 1 April. Drake visits Lovecraft – four soldiers vanish (Nyarlathotep involved?) Illuminati contact Drake (Grand Master’s card via janitor)

1937 Lovecraft dies unexpectedly.


1940 Drake orders Maldonado to deal with whistleblower/grass/fink Reles.

1947 Winifred (State Dept and 1/5 Illuminati Primi of USA) meets up with Drake


Hagbard contacts the Illuminati Primi early in the decade, and sufficiently impresses them that they abdicate in favour of Horus, the crowned and conquering child,

and put the four Saures in place - adding Hagbard as the fifth because, well, he impressed them with a few tricks (of real magick).


1963 22 Nov JFK shot [Harry Coin, John Dillinger, Ben Volpe, Oswald and a fifth man that Dillinger sees actually shoot JFK - Harold Canvera] – Aldous Huxley also dies (not mentioned in book).

23 Nov Volpe admits to Maldonado that he didn’t fulfil the contract.


1965 Hagbard reads Drake psychological notes in Agharti

1966 23 Aug – Simon shopping in SF

1967 21 Oct - March on Pentagon - Yippies attempt to levitate it(Out Demons Out!)

1968 Simon tried Alamout Black. Flaxscript invented. Billie Freschette dies. 25 Aug Democratic Convention in Chicago. Czechoslovakia invaded 21 Aug.

1969 11 June Illuminati grid published in EVO

22 June SDS convention (Joe attending)

25 June Joe interviews Jim Riley

26 June Joe reading Necronomicon

29 June Joe takes plane to Mexico

Simon and Joe on plane from LA to SF some time in 69. (?) Simon takes Joe to JAM Black Mass (mid-June?) then a week later drives him to SF for Norton Cabal meeting with Dillinger and the JAMs - acid for U Wascal Wabbit. Starts to experience the Morgenheutegesternwelt (tomorrow-today-yesterday world). Stella called from Leif Erickson to initiate him into LDD.

1970 C.E. or 5970 A.M. (Illuminati calendar) and the 1970s


23 Sept Leary escapes from prison.

23 Oct KCUF – Smiling Jim’s speech. Joe giving away tomato juice. Otto takes AUM Later Simon and Joe conspire to put AUM in the drinks at the KCUF convention

23 Nov Oedipuski found dead



1973 Joe with Hagbard in seafood restaurant in Miami. General Tequila y Mota planning coup.

1974 Joe gets note from 'Mal' and reads Loberigula.

and finally - in the year they immanentized the Eschaton - 1976 (?)

Feb 2nd Mocenigo's Dream of Anthrax Leprosy Mu (planted by Illuminati Primi)

Mar 13th FUCKUP's I Ching prediction

14th Start of Season of Discord on Discordian Calendar. Coup in Fernando Poo.

15th "Where the hell is Fernando Poo?" US President

18th 00005 sent to Fernando Poo

24th General Tequila y Mota (slang for grass in Mexico) find Machiavelli's "The Prince" as handbook on running a country.


29th Desert Door - Anthrax Lerposy Pi

31st US President's broadcast 1030 EST

Apr 1st Fernando Poo closer to war. Tequila y Mota faces firing squad. Russians and Chinese trying to withdraw troops that have never existed. Fission Chips (00005) with Concepcion Galore. God's Lightning in the UN Plaza.

2nd Sherri returns to Carmel with story of Mocenigo's work.

3rd Nkrumah Fubar sticking pins in dolls of the president. Carmel meets Maldonado, trying to meet spies to sell his info about the biological weapon.

4th Pat Walsh goes missing from office.

5th Sherri in Vegas

10th Howard(dolphin) in Atlantis. Hagbard activates Joe Malik, and says to prepare George Dorn. George takes grass, that Pat Walsh bought for him, to Mad Dog, Texas.

21st Joe Malik disappears


23rd George busted in Mad Dog. Simon and Joe go to meet Tobias Knight at UN. Joe and Tobias plant the bomb in the Confrontation office. Perri the squirrel runs round a tree.

24th George broken out of jail, with bombs. Bomb also explodes in Confrontation! office. Saul Goodman woken (possible homicide), gets to read Memos with Barney Muldoon (bomb squad). Bucky on a plane with three wristwatches. George initiated into LDD. Harry Coin gets demo from Hagbard. Saul and Barney get kidnapped. Simon teaching Mary Lou Servix. Stella smoking Kallisti Gold. George sent to Drake mansion with Atlantean statues. Sent away by Drake. Disaster at Drake Mansion (Leviathan's minions, maybe). Tetrys.

25th Dillinger reads about the mansion. General Talbot shoots Mocenigo, then himself, as Mocenigo's house burns. Atlanta Hope puts small ad in the newspapers "with thanks to St Jude" which is the signal that Hitler and 22 other old Nazis could expect transcendental illumination after the concert massacre. George says "I am the robot".

26th Carmel loots Maldonado's safe, and stashes the money in a suitcase. Unfortunately, this gets switched for a prank robbery suitcase full of rosebuds. Saul and Barney bump into Markoff Chaney, get shots (he has had a brush with Carmel)

27th Police interviewing whores in Las Vegas

28th Hagbard and George in Atlantean cave. Carmel leaving Vegas for different cave hideout.

29th Saul, Barney and Dillinger find the cave where Carmel is hiding. Danny Pricefixer meets Mama Sutra, then heads off to the concert. Simon reads Telemachus Sneezed on flight from LA to Munich.

30th WALPURGISNACHT concert in Ingolstadt. Fred Filarisius reports to the President, and a state of National Emergency is declared.


Could reference Appendices, and the Schrodinger's Cat Trilogy.

Cover by the amazing Bobby Campbell