1 The First Trip, or Kether

From Dealey Plaza To Watergate ... pp 2-34

Here's a glimpse of creation emerging from nothing - the unreliable narrator -

This article might suggest a few things to look for in the First Trip:


© Copyright 2005 Jeff Harrison and Karen Charboneau-Harrison, All Rights Reserved. Please visit their site for full text

God Name: Eheieh

Gods: Ptah, Ra, Zeus, Isis, Gaia, Nuit

Archangel: Metatron

Titles: Hidden Intelligence, Ancient of Days, Lux Occulta

Virtue: Attainment and completion of the Great Work

Vice: None

Planet: All planets are represented in Kether

Stone: Diamond

Animals: Swan, Hawk

Scents: Ambergris, Gum Mastic

Experience: Union with and Knowledge of the All

Symbols: Lamp, Point, Crown, Swastika

KETHER is the absolute beginning point when AIN (nothing) becomes conscious of itself. AIN is not on the Tree, but is considered to be the original source of all things. Ain is thought to be incomprehensible and primordial. It has no form but we can try to comprehend the idea of Ain by considering a few symbols associated with it. Symbols of Ain are the Ouroboros B the serpent in a circle with its tail in its mouth whose name is Ananta. The Ouroboros represents the alpha/omega B beginning without end, spiraling forever. Another symbol is the Egyptian Goddess, Nuit, as she represents the universe with all stars and planets spraying out in the milk of her breasts.

Here's some more suggestive notes, copyright Colin Low 1992 - worth visiting to read more

The Spiritual Experience of Kether is Union with God. My

comments on the Spiritual Experience of Chokmah apply also to

Kether. The Illusion of Kether is attainment. We can live, we can

change, but there is nothing to attain. Even Union with God is no

attainment; we were always one with God, and *knowing* that we

are changes nothing of any consequence - as long as we live,

there is no goal in life other than living itself. As the

Kabbalist Rebbe Nachman of Breslov said:

"No matter how high one reaches, there is still the next

step. Therefore, we never know anything, and still do not

attain the true goal. This is a very deep and mysterious


The Qlippoth of Kether is Futility. Perhaps the creation was a

bad idea. Maybe the En Soph should never have emanated the point-

crown of Kether. Perhaps the whole of creation, life, the entire,

ghastly three-ring circus we are forced to endure is nothing more

than *a complete waste*. The En Soph should suck Malkuth back

into Kether, collapse the whole, crazy house of cards, and admit

the mistake.