Comic Book versions

At one point it seemed as though we would have a complete comic book version of Illuminatus! from Mark P.Steele (ICARUS!)

Excellently compressed from this vast novel, three volumes got completed and published, and one unfinished.

[Note: apparently, according to Mark, "There were actually 2 different versions of the first issue, with about half the art redone -- the version displayed here [on the left at the top] is the original 'Number Zero' or 'Garage Band' edition, done flawed to keep my contract intact."]

[April 2016] Plans to release the comic books in digital format have begun.

You can download the 'Number Zero' edition here.

The zip file includes some notes on production, and also some Discordian Adventures of Mark P. Steele

For any updates, keep an eye on Historia Discordia

You can find some of them still on sale occasionally. My Comic Shop [2 of 3 available accessed 23 Oct 2011]

Here you can see the 3 Rip Off Press Covers - at Comicvine. Comic Collector Live

Garage edition
Rip Off Press cover 1
Rop Off Press 2
Rip Off Press cover 3

See some of the original artwork on his MySpace page - Icarus 23

A reference to the material we collated for the original incarnation of the Wiki in the Only Maybe blog. - with comments from contributing artists.

The Book in a Minute!

Page 100 project by Otterdisaster