Preparations & Recommendations for usage

Recommendation of best usage of VAT/ Olav Skille

Olav Skille’s range of frequencies 30hz-120 Hz are focused on whole body vibration and mainly effect the skeletal, muscle and nervous systems. They have the same positive effect in every cultural sphere in the world. They have also positive effects on household pets.

Olav Skille suggests that a session on VAT equipment ought to be as undisturbed by other sensory stimuli as possible. During that time a person should listen to his body, explore how the sound waves are massaging the inner organs. The sound of silence, the delicate and pleasant inner swinging of the body parts, the sensation of riding on waves, recharging energy and calmness are achieved when the ears are free from additional sound." Says Olav Skille.

Music, VAM (Vibroacoustic Music), binaural music and VAT Sound

You can find in the market many combinations of sound and music that directly or indirectly, intentionally or not may affect one’s physiological and emotional sides.

Music is culturally conditioned. Harmonic and calming piece of music such as classic music - can be interpreted emotionally differently among people from different backgrounds.

The effectiveness of music being pumped into the body depends on the structure of the music. Some music may be effective to relieve symptoms and other is not. Binaural music combines the personal emotional associations and the brain waves that are being produced by body vibrations.

Ordinary music can be played through VAT equipment as well, however, by the end of the day, the question is, whether you reduced stress, pain and symptoms by using it.

When cells feel and sense, additional sound is not needed.