Family Maintenance

Preventive Medicine Approach

Family stress, back pain, head ache and insomnia are quite common. Our dynamic, multitasking life leads to physical and psychological events that trigger the appearance of these symptoms in family members. Stress at work, stress at school, endless missions at work and at home result cumulative stress effects in the body and mind. Back pain, insomnia, depression and headache may appear as a result of carelessness and negligence maintenance.

Instead of treating each symptom as an individual case, we suggest a new approach – Whole Family Maintenance.

Equivalent to having first aid at home, and instead of taking drugs for such symptoms, we advice that you use low sound VAT frequencies through pillow, cushion, lounge, mattress and bed.

Imagine the following scenario: each family member has a small personal pillow with a transducer built-in that transmits the frequencies. In addition, at home, (optimal situation is to dedicate a special silent room) there is a Vibroacoustic bed , mattress, lounge or recliner. The family members learn how to use the frequencies in order to obtain reduction of symptoms of stress, pain and insomnia. VAT frequencies can act as prevention care or as solutions whenever these symptoms manifest.

Using SleepWell – our solution for deep peaceful sleep doesn't necessarily mean that one has insomnia. Parents and children can relax with it and easily fall asleep into a meditative dreamland.

The Change:

Each member adopts the perception of personal preventive VAT medicine. Less stress in homes will bring more communication, tolerance, attention and listening. Sleep quality can be improved, and headaches or minor back aches are being treated without the accumulated side effects of taking drugs.

The result: better health & better quality of family atmosphere.

Read about Olav Skille's perception about stress

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