Animal Protect

Vibroacoustic low sound frequencies for Animals


A 10 transducer blanket was tested in a stable for racing horses in Sweden. The test was made on 30 horses. Problems: Colic (bowel effect in 15 minutes).

Circulation problems (Gives energy, muscles more flexible)

Muscle problems (Increasing mobility in joints. Swellings reduced)

Breathing problem (Horse inhales better after a while),

Joint lockings (Swollen muscles with cramps. After 3-4 sessions the problems vanish),

Older horses still trained hard (The horses are more energetic and move easier)

Disturbing head movements. (Horse listens inward. Trainer impressed by effect)[1]

The VAT programs are specially programmed for the horses. Each CD lasts 15 minutes.


Both lung, leg and spine problems

After initial scepticism, the dogs approach the mattress and want to lie on it. For home equipment, the dog is able to ask for treatment when needed. When troubles are over, the dog stops asking for more.[2]

The choice of frequencies are related to dog size and the type of problem.

[1] E-mail from Majstin Wik, Uppsala, Sweden 2009.

[2] E.mail from Annette Traxler. Nærøy, Norway 2010.

Read about the natural VAT of the cats Solving The Cat's Purr Mystery using Acceleromete