OIA Blue Book Section XIX Track & Field
Section XIX. Track, Boys and Girls (Revised 08/2010)
1. Game Rules
The rules are established by the current National Alliance Edition of Track and Field Rules, published by the National Federation of State High School Athletic Association shall prevail except as modified herein.
2. League Format
A. JV Divisional place finishers will qualify for the OIA JV championship, regardless of minimum standards. Varsity Divisional place finishers will qualify for the OIA Varsity Championship, regardless of minimum standards.
B. Girls will run first. Boys to follow.
C. OIA Championship meets (JV and Varsity): Each school will be allowed three entries provided they meet qualifying standards.
D. Trails and finals for all Championship meets will run boys and girls together.
E. Championship meets will have one day's trials with the trial day being two days prior to the finals.
F. No meets will be held on Good Friday.
G. OIA Championship meets will be scheduled on Saturday when possible.
H. Time Schedule
1) All practice meets will start no earlier than 3:30 p.m. on weekdays.
2) Coaches meeting will start at least forty-five minutes before the first field event. All weekday practice meets will have a coaches’ meeting at 3:00 p.m.
3) Coaches’ meeting for the OIA Championship trials will be at 2:15 p.m. Field events will start at 3:00 p.m. Running events will start at 4:45 p.m. Division Championship trials will start running events at 4:45 p.m.
4) Field events in the finals will begin one and a half hours before the first running event.
I. All rescheduling of OIA Championship meets must be cleared with the Track Advisor with the approval of the OIA Executive Director.
3. Participation
A. The OIA will follow the HHSAA rules of participation. Presently athletes may participate in any six track and field events including relays. Participation shall be subject to the qualifying standards.
B. Entry constitutes participation, except in the relays. The coach is responsible to turn in six names to the Clerk-of-Course upon checking in for relay events. The names of the four participants will be circled, and there remaining names will be alternates for that event. Full names from the eligibility lists/rosters will be the only accepted entries.
C. Participants must be attired in their school uniform (as defined in the book of rules) in both the trials and finals, or face disqualification. Athletes competing in the throwing events are allowed to use an alternate and matching school issued uniform.
D. ¼” needle point and pyramid spikes are the only spikes approved for use on all weather tracks. This includes running and field events. Other spikes are considered illegal and the athlete is subject to disqualification from the event.
E. When an athlete is disqualified from further participation in a track meet, the Games Committee shall determine if the rule infraction is serious enough to warrant the athlete being suspended from the next contest.
4. Rules of Entry
A. Each school may enter only one team in each relay event. Alternates are allowed according to the book of rules. Each school may enter only three participants per event in Championship meets. Athletes are subject to qualifying standards.
B. Entry deadlines for OIA Championship meets are due on Monday at 8:00 pm. to Earl Kishimoto. E-mail entries to Menehunetrack@msn.com. No post entries. Seeding will be done at Moanalua H.S. Hospitality Room below the press box in the stadium on Tuesday at 4:30 pm. Coaches’ attendance is optional. Divisional hosts must set their entry deadlines by the track advisory meeting. The entry deadline should not be before the finals of the previous meet and no later than the seeding meeting.
C. Starting with the OIA Relays coaches are reminded to list a time, height or distance on their entry forms including when (date) and where (meet) these marks were established. Athletes with no marks/times listed will not be entered in the meet. Coaches are to submit their diskette along with a hard copy of their export files to the host school. Entries
will be rejected if performances cannot be verified. Athletes must meet qualifying standards in order to participate.
D. Entry marks are necessary for the all Championship meets.
5. Meet Format
A. Trials will be held in all individual events, except the pole vault and high jump which will be one day events. Girls pole vault and boys high jump will be held on even years trial date. Boys pole vault and girls high jump will be held on even years final date. Boys pole vault/girls high jump will be held on odd years trial date. Girls pole vault/boys high jump will be held on odd years final date.
B. Trials will be held for the 800m run, so that each finalist has their own lane. When trials are held, each runner will have their own lane with slower runners being stacked behind faster runners.
C. Trials will be held for the 1500m and 3000m runs to qualify 12 competitors for the finals. For divisional meets only, there will be no trials for the 3000m run at the discretion of the Meet Director.
D. A minimum of one trial in the distance events must be run when possible.
E. The international curve will be used for all 1500m and 3000m runs.
F. Trials will be held in the relays when necessary to qualify not more than eight teams for the finals. All relays will qualify best time.
G. When there are two heats, the top three runners from each heat plus the next two fastest times will qualify for the finals except for the 1500m and 3000m. 1500m and 3000m will qualify four from each heat plus the next four fastest times. When there are three heats, the top two runners of each heat plus the next two fastest times will qualify into the finals.
When there are four heats the top runner in each heat plus the next four best times will qualify into the finals. Ninth and tenth place alternates will be selected according to the fastest time in the event.
H. The best two throws in the discus, of the top eight contestants, must be measured in the OIA Championships.
I. Warm-up for field events.
1) 5 minutes before events (only the participants may warm up).
2) 10 minutes warm-up between flights.
J. Allow for 10 minutes check out time for field events except for the high jump and pole vault where National Federation Rules apply.
K. Scoring
1) Scoring in all individual events shall be 10-8-6-4-2-1.
2) Scoring in all relays shall be 10-8-6-4-2-1.
3) Awards will be limited to the top 6 finishers.
6. Reporting
A. All participants must report promptly on last call or be scratched. There will be two calls first and last. First call will be 15 minutes prior to start of the event; last call will be 5 minutes prior to start of the event.
B. Participants in the running events will report to the Clerk-of-Course who will be at an area designated by the host school. Relay teams will submit their cards at this time.
C. Participants in the field events will report to their respective area in person or by a representative if participating in another event on last call. Finals
D. All qualifiers must report to the Clerk-of-Course promptly at last call or be scratched. Qualifiers will be dispersed to their respective starting areas immediately after being
introduced to the spectators.
E. After check-in is complete any person who does not report to the starting line will be ineligible for any further events.
F. Record marks in the trials will stand as a new record.
G. Alternates will be selected to fill scratches in the finals of all running events. The 9th and 10th best times shall be listed as alternates. Alternates should report on last call. No alternates are allowed for field events.
H. Lane selection during trials will be by Standard Lane preference. Lane selection in the finals will be done at check-in based on place and time.
7. Equipment: Refer to section on Sports Budget.
8. Awards: Refer to Section I
9. Budget: Refer to section on Sports Budget.
10. Officials
A. Each member school shall be held responsible to assist in officiating the OIA track meets, including the OIA Championship meet.
B. No wrist watches will be allowed for official timing.
C. Timing will be done by places at all championship meets.
11. Seeding Procedures
A. Host school of meet does the seeding according to best times.
B. Open seeding meeting.
C. Seed no more than 32 participants in both Track and Field. Qualified entries over 32 entry maximum may be listed as event alternates and placed in the event(s) at the replace scratched entries.
D. When a tie results in the 32nd place, the more recent results will have preference. All athletes tied for 32nd place will be listed.
E. Field events should go in order of rank from best to the last in the trials, and reverse the order from last to first in the finals.
12. Order of Events for OIA Championship for 2011:
2:15 3:00 Coaches’ Meeting
3:00 GPV 3:45 Pole Vault (Boys)
3:00 3:45 Discus (Boys, girls to follow)
3:00 BHJ 3:45 High Jump (Girls)
3:00 3:45 Long Jump (Boys, Girls to follow)
follow long jump Triple Jump (Boys, Girls to follow)
5:00 5:45 Shot Put (Boys, girls to follow)
4:45 5:15 100 meter HH/110 meter HH
5:10 5:30 100 meter dash
5:25 5:40 1500 meter run
6:00 6:00 4x100 meter relay
6:15 6:15 400 meter dash
6:35 6:30 300 meter hurdles
7:00 6:45 800 meter run
7:30 7:00 200 meter dash
7:50 7:15 3000 meter run
8:30 7:45 4x400 meter relay
8:00 Awards
13. Order of Events for OIA Championship Relays – Time Finals
1:15 Coaches’ Meeting
2:00 Pole Vault (Girls, boys to follow)
Discus (Boys, girls to follow)
Shot Put (Girls, boys to follow)
Long Jump (Boys, girls to follow)
3:30 Triple Jump (Boys, girls to follow)
3:30 400 LH Shuttle Relay
3:50 440 HH Shuttle Relay
4:00 800 Meter Relay
4:20 Distance medley relay: 400-800-1200-1600
5:00 Spring: 100-100-200-400/200-200-400-800
5:25 660 LH shuttle relay
6:00 400 meter relay
6:20 3200 meter relay
7:00 1600 meter relay
7:30 Awards
14. Order of Events for Division Championship
2:30 2:30 Coaches’ Meeting
3:15 3:15 Pole Vault (Girls, boys to follow)
Discus (Boys, girls to follow)
Shot Put (Girls, boys to follow)
Long Jump (Boys, girls to follow)
High Jump (Girls, boys to follow)
5:15 5:15 Triple Jump (Boys, girls to follow)
4:45 4:45 100 meter HH/100 meter HH
5:15 5:15 100 meter dash
5:45 5:45 1500 meter run
6:15 6:15 4x100 meter relay
6:35 6:35 400 meter dash
7:05 7:05 300 meter hurdles
7:45 7:45 800 meter run
8:05 8:05 200 meter dash
N/T 8:25 3000 meter run
8:30 9:05 4x400 meter relay
9:40 Awards
A. There shall be a coaches’ meeting called by the host school forty-five minutes before the first event for the purpose of distributing all meet information and materials. No coach or adult representative present, no participation.
B. JV participants are eligible to compete without losing their JV status during the OIA Championship relays.
C. Results of all meets will be submitted to the Earl Kishimoto within three days of the completion of the meet.
15. The Finish Lynx System will be the official timer for all OIA Championship track meets.
16. Standards
A. A standards committee shall be chosen with representatives from the East and West divisions. The committee will meet after the last pre-season track meet to adjust the standards for the championship meets.
B. The following standards will be observed in entering the participants into the Track and Field events for the OIA Championships and Divisional meets. These may be adjusted by the committee pending performance by athletes in meets prior to the OIA Championships or the Divisional Championships