Morales (Raymond), Sculptures

The post in my blog about Raymond Moralés has a video by Raphael Wertheimer (shot 2002, uploaded 2009), that shows Moralés talking about his work.

Here is the transcript of the video, translated into english.



Everyone has a capital inside. There are some who express themselves and there are some who keep it inside until they die.


What inspires me is the community. You inspire me, my relatives inspire me. Besides, I'm an artist who is a bit involved in everything. If you make a tour trhough the exhibition, you will recognize the themes in my work


In each sculpture I try to put a message, a small message.....I'm trying to bring matter to life and with every creation I interrogate myself again. The faces.....I try as much as possible to lay expression in the faces......I do not fall into repetition, I am questioning myself again and again, serving to give as much expression as possible...


Because there are problems since mankind exists.... and as long as there are problems I will continu


In prehistoric times man followed the game.... by following the game they relocated...later this was due to hunger, drought, war or because of a mission of rapacity on others.... that is what man was.... In the present time I express the actuality.....

And also about the religions, for the religions want to impose themselves on the peoples, even if they have a different one.... so they flee from this because they are oppressed...

The hatred against another....racism....there is always someone who wants to dominate another....

Within a married couple this is true too, it is a struggle, a struggle between two sexes


Just watch this face, it is really a child of misery, but with his backpack, he is still happy


All your life you carry your prayers, your misfortune, your sorrow, your joy....


Crushed by living in society, because life in society is not easy.... You must fight against the problems that pop op ever again


Man lives in a dream, in his dreams and in his illusions, and often when he is confronted with reality, he falls deeply

added to OEE-texts sept 2011