December UnConference


Program & Proceedings

December 2017 in Windsor

This year, the December meeting took place in Windsor, on Tues. Dec. 19. (Think of it as a Southern vacation!)

In some of the recent December meetings, there was a “Show & tell” of local facilities (e.g., laboratories, smart classrooms). We didn’t be do that, but wanted to share a different type of resource with visiting oCUBErs. The UWindsor oCUBE contingent was impressed by a recent student mental health information session held here by Dr. Mohsan Beg, Director/Clinical Psychologist of the University of Windsor Student Counselling Centre. As educators, we often encounter students who are struggling with anxiety, depression, and other forms of distress, and few (if any) of us are trained in how to help them. We arranged to have Dr. Beg join us to discuss "Identifying and Supporting Students in Distress” (11:00-11:50 AM).

We want to thank the University of Windsor Department of Biological Sciences for sponsoring our refreshments and lunch during the day on Dec. 19! As usual, dinner the night before (and that night) are informal - we typically do some group reservations for those who are interested, but we each pay our own way.

Please check below for the meeting program, including links to the session materials and summaries of our discussions.

Copy of Agenda Dec. 19, 2017