Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

The Open Consortium of Undergraduate Biology Educators (oCUBE) is committed to providing an environment of diversity, equity, and inclusion (EDI), where differences are valued, and everyone is given equal opportunity to contribute and develop. oCUBE supports education and professional development opportunities that are inclusive to all, regardless of age, gender, race, ethnic origin, colour, religion, sexual orientation, marital status, or geographic location. The oCUBE position on human rights is in accordance with the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

We note that a commitment to EDI is a process that requires ongoing action and reflection. We recognize the importance of this commitment to promote healthy members and healthy communities, and to support the success of the Organization, our institutions, and our students.

We are committed and share the responsibility to:

    • respect every person, including their unique characteristics and experiences

    • value the diversity of all people and their cultural backgrounds

    • treat everyone equally, without preferential treatment nor personal favour

    • accept our differences in opinion, lifestyle, and lifestyle choices

    • appreciate the strengths and needs of each generation

    • learn from (and with) a variety of different personalities

    • strive for open, transparent, and fair policies, and communication

    • regularly review and reflect upon our activities and outcomes in terms of EDI, and update our mission, bylaws, committees, initiatives, and/or policies as necessary.

* Portions of this statement were adopted from, or adapted from, the Canadian Society for Medical Laboratory Science Diversity Statement: https://www.csmls.org/csmls/media/documents/position_statements/Diversity-EN.pdf