Journal Club 2019-2020 Archive


Tanya Noel

Ballen et al. Smaller Classes Promote Equitable Student Participation in STEM. BioScience, 2019; DOI: 10.1093/biosci/biz069


Lovaye Kajiura

A. A. Rowland, E. Knekta, S.Eddy, & L. Corwin (2019) Defining and Measuring Students’ Interest in Biology: An Analysis of the Biology Education Literature, Vol 18 (No 3) CBE - Life Sciences Education. Fall 2019. Pgs. 18:ar34.1-14.


Jade Atallah

Foundation Biology Students' Critical Thinking Ability: Self-Efficacy versus Actuality. Rayner, Gerry M.; Papakonstantinou, Theo, Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice, v15, n5, Article 4, 2018.


Dennis Kolosov

Gopalan C. 2019. Effect of flipped teaching on student performance and perceptions in an Introductory Physiology course. Adv Physiol Educ 43:28-33.