
Western University

<jwaugh2 AT uwo DOT ca>

Twitter: @JenniferWaugh2

Hats I Wear


Department of Biology and Department of Statistical and Actuarial Sciences

Journal Manager

Ideas in Ecology and Evolution


Robes I Wear

B.Sc.H. Queen's University (Environmental Science, Biology)

M.Sc. Queen's University (Plant Community Ecology)

B.Ed. Queen's University (Biology/Math)

Feathers in my Cap

2013 Faculty of Science Technology-enhanced Learning Innovation Award (for course development to enhance statistical literacy)

Angela Armitt Award for Excellence in Teaching by Part-Time Faculty 2012-2013 (


UWO University Students' Council Teaching Honour Roll (2008-2009, 2010-2011, 2011-2012)

Courses I teach/taught

Biol 2483A, "Ecology"

Biol 1223, "Introductory Biology"

Biol 1201A, "General Biology"

Biol 1001A, "Biology for Science I"

Biol 3445F, "Community Ecology"

Biol 2290F, "Scientific Method in Biology"

Biol 3466B, "Evolutionary Genetics"

Biol/Stat 2244A/B, "Analysis and Interpretation of Biological Data" and "Statistics for Science"

Biol 0010 (Brescia), "Biological Systems"

Stat 1023/2037, "Statistical Concepts"/"Statistics for Health"

Right, so these are the courses I have taught in previous terms, and/or am teaching/team-teaching currently. It is my devious plan to expand this list.