
University of Toronto Mississauga

<fiona DOT rawle AT utoronto DOT ca>

I am the Associate Chair, Undergraduate, and a Lecturer in the Dept. of Biology at the University of Toronto Mississauga. I currently teach BIO152: Introduction to Evolution and Evolutionary Genetics, BIO207: Introductory Genetics, and BIO476: Molecular Basis of Disease.

I am interested in:

Scientific Literacy

Emergent Properties

Concept Scaffolding

Curriculum Mapping

Student Engagement

Ways to get students & the general public to mobilize against climate change...

(basically anything that helps our students to become critical thinkers and good science citizens)

My Mission: to be an approachable, inspiring, and effective teacher

My Mantra: teach, make a difference, & have fun, teach, make a difference, & have fun, teach, make a difference, & have fun...and repeat.

My Addictions: Biology, DNA, Spongiophyton, Algonquin & Killarney, sports of any kind, canoeing (basically everything that helps you to enjoy the outdoors)

My Aspirations: to be a day. And to meet Edward O. Wilson.

Hats I Wear

Associate Chair and Lecturer, University of Toronto Mississauga, Department of Biology

Mama of 3

"Feathes In My Hat"

2010 - Wilfrid Laurier University Award for Teaching Excellence

2010 - TVO Best Lecturer Nomination

Robes I Wear

Ph.D. Queen's University (Pathology and Molecular Medicine)

I LOVE teaching undergraduate biology. Teaching, my kids, my husband, and the outdoors (not necessarily in that order) are my reasons for being.


I have developed a worksheet that I give to my science education research student to help them in DBER experimental design. I've linked to it here in case it may be of help to others in oCUBE.