
University of Ottawa

Department of Biology

30 Marie Curie, Ottawa, ON, K1N 6N5

Phone: 613-562-5800 X3933

<colin.montpetit AT uottawa DOT ca>


Hats I Wear and Places I've Been

Assistant Professor (Science Lecturer), Department of Biology, University of Ottawa (2007 - to date)

Assistant Professor of Biology, St.Norbert College(2005-2007)

NSERC - Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Toronto (Scarborough) (2002-2005)

Robes I Wear

B.Sc. University of Ottawa (Animal Biology)

Ph.D. University of Ottawa (Comparative Physiology)

Co-chair - Education Committee, Canadian Society of Zoologists

OCUBE Financial Steward

Feathers in my Hat

2012-2013 Andre Lalonde Award for Science Professor of the Year

2011-2012 Nomination for the National Capital's Education Award

2009 Top Reviewer of the Year - General and Comparative Endocrinology

Stuff I Teach

I am a teaching professor participating in a pilot project code named “Science Lecturers” within the Faculty of Sciences at the University of Ottawa. As a Science Lecturer I teach, on a regular basis, courses in Genetics (2nd year), Environmental Physiology (2nd year), and Cellular Physiology (3rd year). I have also taught a course in Animal Physiology (3rd year) and have a periodical involvement in the 3rd year Experiments in Animal Physiology laboratory course. In addition to teaching in english, I also offer the 3rd year courses in the french language to increase the course offerings to the francophone students in biology.

Scholarly Stuff

My scholarly activities that are dedicated to advancing the quality of undergraduate (biology) education through peer-mentoring, professional development, research collaborations and the scholarship of teaching and learning. Ongoing projects include (1) development and assessment of “clicker” case studies for teaching and learning in genetics, (2) curriculum mapping, (3) fostering of a community of practice as a learning system for professional development. In addition to his work in higher education, I also have continued interests in exploring (1) mechanisms controlling catecholamine release in fish, and (2) how obesity factors may direct metamorphosis and parasitic behaviour in lampreys (parasitism vs nonparasitism).

I am also one of three authors involved in writing the accompanying “study guide” for the recently published first year Biology text “Biology: Exploring the Diversity of Life” (Nelson).

Publication Sampler

Montpetit, C.J.. MasteringGenetics – A Success Story. In Raising the Bar, A Collection of Case Studies and Success Stories on the Effectiveness of MYLAB and MASTERING. Pearson Canada. V.2. p. 10-11, 2013

Kajiura, L and Montpetit, C.J. Implementing Case-Based Teaching in your Classroom : Tales from Two Professors. Collected Essays on Learning and Teaching, Vol. V, page 80-85, 2012

Montpetit, C.J., Smit, J, and Keenleyside, W.. Study Guide - Biology Exploring the Diversity of Life , 1st and 2nd Edition. Nelson Education., 2012

Montpetit CJ. Chapitre 4 Professeur-enseignant à la Faculté des sciences de l’Université d’Ottawa: contribution a l’enseignement des sciences en français en contexte minoritaire au niveau universitaire. Dans Donatille Mujawamariya (Dir.), L’enseignement des sciences en milieu francophone minoritaire hier et aujourd’hui. Quels espoirs pour demain (Editions Peisaj, Collection Cogito), 2011

Perry, S.F., Ellis, K., Russell, J., Bernier, N.J., and Montpetit, C.J. The effects of chronic dietary salt loading on the rennin angiotensin and adrenergic systems of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). American Journal of Physiology 301: R811-R821, 2011

Montpetit CJ and Perry SF. Neuronal and endocrine control of catecholamine secretion in fish. In Anna Capaldo (ed.), Recent Advances in Non-Mammalian Adrenal Gland Research (Research Signpost), 2008

Off Campus

I certainly do not have any recipes to share with you, but if you come to Ottawa I’ll be able to show you the best places to eat poutine and beaver tails. Aside from enjoying food, I also enjoy beer, hockey (I’m still holding out for a professional hockey career - the dream is still alive), and fishing (probably in that order).