Phantom Lake 3



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In 1977 Hudson Bay Mining & Smelting Co., Ltd., better known today as Hudbay, decided to throw a party for the community commemorating 50 years of operations.

A great deal of preparation went into this project by HBM&S and all community minded organizations. This was made a day to remember. They minted a coin especially like you see above for a keepsake of the occasion. Entertainment was provided by the Flin Flon Glee Club. The above image shows Jim Goodman conducting with Lois Callander on piano. This men's choir were certainly able to produce a great sound. Other groups who participated were the Legion Pipe Band who always played a major role in Phantom Lake day and certainly did not let us down for the 50th. Hapnot school band conducted by L. A. Halldorson also put on a great presentation which they always did on July 1st. The Queen Mermaid contest also was part of the activities on the same stage that day. All individuals in attendance was treated to an excellent meal of beef on a bun, coleslaw, ice cream, tea, coffee, soft drinks, just about everything that one could ask for, entertainment, good food and fellowship. They also provided transportation by bus for all individuals as parking at Phantom Lake for an event of this size would of been more than a challenge so providing transportation made it alot like old times. I am sure if you were there, you will remember it as this was probably one of the last big events to be held at Phantom Lake. The end of an era.

Legion Pipe Band - 50th Celebration at Phantom Lake.

The candidates from the 1977 Queen Mermaid Contest.

This image shows people gathered around to take in the entertainment on the main stage by the above bands.

Larry Guymer and his helper were responsible for firing and cooking many roasts of beef to supply the needs of the hungry crowd.

This image shows Hapnot School Band being conducted by L. A. Halldorson.

Flin Flon School Band in Main Street Parade. This band played a very active roll in our community in the 1960's & 1970's.

This again is the School Band in the parade on Third Ave., by Rotary Park. L. A. Halldorson better know to Lawrence to all of us played a very active roll in our community on the music scene. He was also a shop teacher at Hapnot School and he also was a member of one of Flin Flon's well known orchestra's of Wes Vickery. I believe they were know as The Rhythm Kings.

The Queen Mermaid contest was a big part of the Trout Festival in the early days. Many local businesses sponsored candidates who competed for the crown of Queen Mermaid. One of their responsibilities I can recall was selling a Share in the North, which entitled you to fish in the Trout Derby along with an entry fee and an opportunity to win a car. The number of tickets sold by each canditate went towards a point system to help the candidates position in the contest. The winning candidate won a few prizes, luggage, cosmetics, airplane tickets and the opportunity to compete in other beauty contests representing Flin Flon Trout Festival.

This is the Queen Mermaid Tea which was an annual event where many ladies in the community looked forward to. Each candidate would have a presentation to demonstrate their speaking skills and their ability to conduct themselves before an audience. This was also a good learning experience for many of the candidates and also an opportunity for the public to participate in an event which helped support the pageant and add to the Trout Festival events.

This image was taken in 1958 on the Main Street stage which was located between the Royal Bank and Scheiders Mens Wear. There always was a gathering on the street for the official opening of the Trout Festival. Main Street would be closed off, rides for the kids and games of chance for the adults was always part of the annual activities along with Hudbays little head frame that skipped ore and dumped it to give the local tourists some idea of what the head frames were for and how a Mine operated.

This image was taken on the main stage at Phantom Lake in 1983 when Kathy Hagan was crowned Queen Mermaid.

This image shows the winners of the Gold Rush Canoe Derby Bruce Barton on the left and Tim Lindseth on the right and the successful Queen candidate, Kathy Hagan 1983.

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