STORIES - Head Frames

Head frames will be a series of Mines which will consist of approximately 32 properties that were either worked and owned by Hudson Bay Mining & Smelting Co. Ltd., or worked through joint venture with a partner. These Mines will consist of Mandy Mine, Flin Flon Shafts 1, 2 & 3, Flin Flon Open Pit, North & South Main, Cuprus Mine, North Star Mine, Birch Lake Mine, Coronation Mine, Flexar Mine, Centennial Mine, White Lake Mine, Westarm Mine, Trout Lake Mine, Dickstone Copper Mine, Stall Lake Mine, Anderson Lake Mine, Osborne Lake Mine, Chisel Lake Mine, Ghost Lake Mine, Spruce Point Mine, Rod Mine, Chisel Open Pit Mine, Photo Lake Mine, Flin Flon 777 Mine, Namew Lake Mine, Konuto Mine, Wellgreen Mine - Yukon, Sylvite Mine (Potash) - Rocanville, Sk., Lalor Mine, Reed Lake Mine. Over the next few months, I hope to have photos and stories in place for all to see.

HEAD FRAMES - by G.B. Reid

(Click on the links below)