Wellgreen Mine


Exploration outside of Manitoba and Saskatchewan areas began as early as 1938 in the Northwest Territories, 1944 in British Columbia, and 1945 in the Yukon.

Prospecting parties in northern B.C. had obtained, by 1963, encouraging results at the Stikine Copper Limited property, a joint enterprise between Hudson Bay, Kennco (Stikine) Mining Limited and the Consolidated Mining and Smelting Company of Canada Limited. In 1966, a 30 mile road from Scud River was completed and a program of detailed diamond drilling was undertaken during the next few years. In 1974, the decision was made to discontinue work on the property, as a result of implications of the B.C. Mining Royalties Act.

In 1951, the Tom claims on the Canol Road in the Yukon Territory were staked, and over the years, exploratory drilling has been carried out. Exploration and development of these claims has been suspended, but could resume when economic conditions are more favourable.

In June of 1952, the Wellgreen claims in the Kluane Lake District of the Yukon were staked and placed under option. In 1955, Hudson Yukon Mining Co., Limited was formed to take over the property, 202 miles by road northwest of Whitehorse. Because of the remote location and limited ore tonnage (estimated at 737,600 tons) exploration was discontinued, a 21 year property lease arranged, and the site left under the supervision of a caretaker. In 1971, mining facilities, a concentrator and a campsite were completed at the Wellgreen Mine site, but production was postponed until May 1, 1972 due to underground mining difficulties. The mine was permanently closed in July 1973, after recoverable underground and stockpiled ore had been processed in the concentrator. Some mining equipment was sold to Hudson Bay Mining and transferred to Flin Flon while camp buildings, except watchman's housing, were sold.

The above photo shows the camp at Wellgreen.

The above photo shows the mill and crusher at Wellgreen mine.

This photo shows looking up the valley from Wellgreen mine.

This also looks down the valley from the mine site at Wellgreen mine.

I would like to express a special thanks to a geologist by the name of Dave Price who was employed by Hudson Bay Mining & Smelting Co., Ltd. Dave retired December 31, 1997 and still lives in Flin Flon. He supplied me with the above photographs and the outline on Wellgreen properties.

Copyright 2013 G.B.Reid