Now The Winter Has Arrived.......

Post date: Oct 23, 2017 6:39:33 PM

Hi all,

Hope you all had an enjoyable summer season of tennis. These days there seems to be a really good vibe at Club sessions and long may it continue.

Here is my annual reminder that with the clocks going back the Sunday club session time switches from 1000 to 1300.

No aspersions cast about getting up early on dark mornings, but certainly a better chance for any overnight frost etc to disperse.

The weekday evening club sessions 'officilally' end at this time too. But I have heard from members that some would like to continue playing so by all means feel free to arrange these privately, booking the courts foc through the website as necessary. If you do use the flood lights it will be necessary to fill in the log/payment envelope. The charge is £5/ court / hour which should be shared between players ( ie £1.25 each if there are 4 of you) but needs to be paid in full each time if someone arrives without cash (don't ask me how I know this...)

Finally a remember to let Dylan know if you are attending our awards bash on 1900 November 10th at the Pheasant and that the AGM is at 1900 November 15th in the clubhouse.

Feel free to contact me anytime about club matters on

All the best

David Rees

North Lonsdale Tennis Club