#Philippine PRESIDENTIAL Elections 2016

Post date: Dec 11, 2015 9:28:39 PM

Click here for Photos & Report

Information night

for voters et al.

13 January 2016 (Wednesday)

18:30 – 20:00 H

Zentrum Karl der Grosse, Zürich

In May of 2016, the next Philippine president will be elected. In view of this, Noi-P. is hosting an information night for voters and everyone who wants to hear and be updated about the political situation in the Philippines, the opportunities of overseas voting and the multi-faceted impact that voters in the diaspora could have on the political landscape of the country.

One of our special guest speakers will be Niklas Reese, co-editor of Handbuch Philippinen and former director of Philippinenbüro in Köln. As a social scientist, lecturer and researcher on socio-political issues pertaining to the Philippines, his experience and expertise in this field are un-paralleled.

Our other special resource person will be Pilgrim Bliss Gayo, who has been a children’s rights activist for nearly two decades and heads the Philippine office of terre des hommes (Germany). Both speakers reside in Manila.

Niklas Reese and Pilgrim Bliss Gayo will be giving a talk on the relevance of the 2016 presidential elections. There will be a Q&A and discussion session after-wards.

Further honorable guests include representatives of the Philippine Embassy in Berne, who will be available for details on the technicalities regarding overseas voting and other related information.

RSVP to info@noi-p.ch as seats are limited.

(free admission – donations welcome)