Don Ring

Post date: Jun 24, 2016 12:05:41 PM

Life after 219! I have reflected on that for almost 24 years. Much is the same as far as family, friends, church activities and travel (although traveling has increased dramatically). When I left Niles West I certainly did not think that the computer would be such an influence on my life. Now, I am not sure how I would get along without it and my cellphone.

In the early years of my retirement I was able to teach at Wheaton College, Loyola University and Trinity University. These were challenges that were enjoyable but demanding. The courses I taught were either teaching methods or school administration. The opportunity to return to teaching Chemistry never materialized or I never pursued it with sufficient energy.

I am trying to tutor my granddaughter with a model of the conic sections, but they don’t use that wooden device anymore to illustrate what a parabola is. Sometimes, in my dreams, I am back teaching Chemistry using such learning devices.

I think I am more reflective now than in my 219 days. My reading interests have broadened to include more history, biblical writings, and biographies.

We attend the Lyric, the CSO, the Goodman Theatre, the Marriott and the Wheaton Artists Series which provides us with a relaxing outlet for our artistic interests.

This summer I will be 80. Seems frightening, but not really. G’d and my doctors have kept me reasonably healthy. Sonja still makes Norwegian cookies for Christmas (remember our festivities each year in the faculty lounge?)