Editor’s Report to the IJP Editorial Board: October 2012, Edinburgh

I am very pleased to report that – on many fronts – the International Journal of Psychotherapy goes from strength to strength.

Special Issue: July 2012: on Robert Assagioli & Psychosynthesis

Despite the extra work, and despite the fact that 75 copies of the Journal went ‘missing’ somewhere in the intricacies of the Spanish customs department when we tried to send them to Valencia (they have since been ‘found’ and returned to Lviv, Ukraine and we are trying to get them now to Budapest, so that Tom can fill out the remaining orders), despite all this, we printed about 950 copies – our biggest printing yet – and sold most of the extra ones, so we hope to have made a little money. (see Tom’s financial report).

Special Issue: July 2011 on R.D. Laing

This issue of the Journal has now been expanded and made into a book, published by PCCS Books, and will be out and available at the October meeting in Edinburgh. The editors of this book, Theodor Itten & Courtenay Young, have asked that their ‘advances’ on royalty payments be donated to the IJP in recognition of the previous publication of about 50% of the articles and their work as editors of the Journal. This means that the IJP finances should benefit to the tune of about €500 and this also paves the way for future publications of collections of Journal articles and Special Issues.

Currently we do not have any firm suggestions or contracts for further Special Issues. Nothing much came of the suggestion for presenters in Valencia to send in submissions, so currently we will not be doing an on-line edition of this conference: maybe in the future.

November 2012 Issue

We should have this issue available at the October meeting in Edinburgh: i.e. it will have been printed, but I am not sure whether the arrangements for sending about 200-300 copies of this Journal to Edinburgh have been finalized. Anyway, it will be ready. We met the 96-page limitation by (unfortunately) having to cut out 10 pages: = one article, one advert and a book review, but we have guaranteed publication of these in the next issue, and thankfully the authors did not object too much.

Future Issues: Feb 2013 & July 2013

I am pleased to say that we have enough articles to fill both of these issues of the journal already, possibly a third as well. This is the first time that we have had the next two issues virtually filled up. We still have to review all these articles and get the authors to make some final changes, so I cannot comment fully about the quality of all these articles, but the actual volume of articles being submitted for publication seems to be definitely on the increase.

Reviewing & Reviewers

I would us all to like to move more ‘strictly’ to a proper blind peer-review process for all published articles. Up to now, this work has manly been down by the 3 editors (Tom, Theodor and myself) with occasional excursions involving other people, especially with a more technical article where we felt we did not have that expertise.

This means that we will need to engage you, the Editorial Board, and also the wider International Advisory Board in this ‘more scientific’ and ‘higher-level’ review process.

I sent out a list of abstracts of the articles to the Editorial Board in July and have had a few responses from some of you to review articles. I don’t want to have to get heavy and say that you ‘must’ all review articles if you are on the Editorial Board, but we do need a better response from the Editorial Board, and also a much wider list of reviewers. Reviewing an article usually takes about 1 hour, to read it, think about it, make some comments, and then send the review in. Please engage with this process as much as you can.

We also need suggestions from you, and others in the EAP, for people to review articles. I will also be asking EAP Board members (representatives of NAOs and EWAOs) whether they would like to become reviewers and (perhaps) also come on to the International Advisory Board (why not?).

Book Reviews

We have now had a couple of Book Reviews submitted about psychotherapy books published in German, with a review (in German) and also in English. I would like to develop this initiative further with reviews of books published in many different countries.

International Advisory Board

We have receive a request from a new candidate from outside the EAP: David Kraft (www.londonpsychotherapy.co.uk), a UK Psycho-hypno-therapist and reasonably well published. His CV will be presented at the Editorial Board meeting in October.

Back Issues

We have just had some really good news: at last, we have a complete set of the PDF files from the printers for all the back issues since the start to Tom’s involvement with Volume 9. This means that we can – in due course – load up the website and sell downloads (as PDF files) of these back issues (for €15 each) and individual articles (for €3 each). The website currently only has the 3 issues and the (about 20) articles from Volume 13. I am currently in the process of loading up Volume 14; and then Volume 15; and then we can start working back and loading up the other Volumes (12, 11, 10 & 9).

Our previous website ‘person’ set it all up and it is working very well, but as it was in a different (somewhat unusual) Site Management System (Drupal), our present website ‘person’ has had to do some extra homework to get to grips with this Drupal system.

In an attempt to keep costs down (he charges about €40 p.h.), I have asked him to do just the technical set-up bits (new pages, automatic downloads, with links to the shopping cart, etc.) and leave the descriptive content bits (titles, authors & abstracts, etc) to me, but I am realizing this is taking me about 2-3 hours per issue to input all this information. Since this is potentially income-generating and once-for-all-time work, I am going to ask to be paid a little to do this extra work (about €20 per hour). This means that we need, over time, 4 issue downloads, or 20 article downloads to have paid for this: further income is then pure profit for the Journal. Volume 13 has already generated about €30-40 like this in about 18 months. Some of this work has already been budgeted for, and I will not exceed the budget, but I am being transparent about my role, my time, and also my need for payment.

We still have a stock (number of) printed Back Issues in the IJP Office for sale. If you can think of any way in which these can be ‘sold’ easily, then please suggest this. They could also be used for promotional purposes (samples at conferences, etc.)


Tom and I are still in the process of finalizing finances with the EAP Alexander Reider. There are no problems, only minor points of clarification left. And we are making some small adjustments to payment times, etc.

Tom will report on this in more detail in his financial report. We seem to have about €10,000 in our account.

SSCI: We are still in the process of wanting to get the Journal onto the Social Sciences Citation Index. We have been talking about this since Brussels meeting in Summer 2007, so this is taking its time.

Snezana offered to do some further looking into the issue. Heward suggests that we look further into internet support sites for this process. Search engine optimisation also can be a bonus for getting contacted in the future. Courtenay suggested that we can all become involved in this process, and thus we have a group process going on.

All the present and future authors will be contacted to be encouraged to quote their IJP publications in articles in other (cited) journals, so that we build up more citations and thus become better known. If we go to www.Academia.edu, there will be further links.

The IJP Editorial Board as a EAP Board sub-committee

If we decide that we want to go with another publisher, then who decides – the Editorial Board or the EAP Board? Whose Journal is it? Who controls what? If we are a sub-committee, and the EAP Board lets us have our editorial independence, then this could be fine. It is clear that Alexander, the EAP Treasurer, manages the Journal’s bank account. Technically, the Editorial Board probably is an EAP Board sub-committee.

After a discussion, there was on the proposal: whether to go for debating this issue in the Board, or will we withdraw it, or maybe just suspend it. Vote count: Go ahead (1), Suspend (6) or withdraw the proposal (1). Action: Issue suspended: CY will inform the Board.

These are the main points of the meeting.

Courtenay Young

Editor, IJP

Oct, 2012

Come ottenere il European Certificate of Psychotherapy (ECP)

Esso è rilasciato agli psicoterapeuti dei vari Stati europei la cui formazione e pratica professionale si conformano con gli standards concordati tra gli Stati membro.

In Italia il certificato è rilasciato dalla FIAP, che, dopo avere accertato che il candidato abbia già avuto il riconoscimento legale da parte dell’Ordine degli Psicologi o dell’Ordine dei Medici, chiede l’approvazione per il rilascio all’Associazione di Metodo nazionale, designata dalla corrispettiva Associazione di metodo europea.

La FIAP rilascia il certificato solo a coloro la cui attività psicoterapica è stata riconosciuta dall’Ordine professionale dei Medici o degli Psicologi, o attraverso norme transitorie (ex art. 35), o attraverso formazione a regime (secondo l’art. 3 della legge 56/89).

Il certificato Europeo di Psicoterapia non può essere rilasciato a coloro che non sono riconosciuti psicoterapeuti in Italia, e non può rappresentare una via breve all’esercizio della Psicoterapia nel nostro Paese.

Controllare se il vostro addestramento è su un livello ECP

Se il vostro addestramento soddisfa i criteri indicati sotto il vostro addestramento è su un livello ECP (questo è un estratto del nostro testo ECP):

4. Durata e contenuto della formazione di psicoterapia:

4.1. La durata complessiva della formazione sarà non essere inferiore a 3200 ore, distribuite su un minimo di sette anni, con i primi tre anni è l'equivalente di una laurea universitaria. I successivi quattro anni che deve essere una formazione specifica per la psicoterapia. Il programma di azione determinerà, in collaborazione con NAO e EWAOs, la proporzione degli elementi che devono essere completate prima dell'ECP aggiudicati formazione.

4.2. La formazione soddisfa i criteri del programma di azione per la formazione professionale di base e comprende i seguenti elementi:

4.2.1. Personale esperienza psicoterapeutico, o equivalente. Questo occorre includere formazione analisi, self-experience e altri metodi che comportano elementi di autoriflessione, terapia ed esperienza personale (non meno di 250 ore). Nessun singolo termine è accettato da tutti i metodi di psicoterapia. Qualsiasi formazione comprende disposizioni per assicurare che i tirocinanti possono identificare e gestire adeguatamente loro partecipazione e contributi ai processi della psicoterapia che praticano conformemente alla loro metodi specifici.

4.2.2. Teorico Studio

Ci sarà una parte generale di università o di formazione professionale e una parte specifica della psicoterapia. Università o corsi di formazione professionale che un primo grado di università o il suo equivalente qualificazione professionale in materie attinenti alla psicoterapia può essere consentiti come una parte o l'intero, la parte generale della teoria di psicoterapia, ma non possono contribuire i 4 anni di formazione specifico della psicoterapia. Lo studio teorico durante i 4 anni di formazione specifico per la psicoterapia deve includere i seguenti elementi:

· Teorie dello sviluppo umano in tutto il ciclo di vita

· La comprensione degli altri approcci psicoterapeutici

· Una teoria del cambiamento

· La comprensione delle questioni sociali e culturali in psicoterapia

· Teorie della psicopatologia

· Teorie di valutazione e di intervento

4.2.3. Pratiche di formazione

Questo includerà una pratica sufficiente sotto sorveglianza continua appropriato alla modalità psicoterapeutiche e sarà almeno due anni di durata.


Journal of The European Association for Psychotherapy

Published three times a year in English.

Includes contributions in other European languages, Critical tone, Theory, Case studies, Research, Readers’ forum,

Book reviews

Please subscribe to:

Tom Ormay - International Journal of Psychotherapy


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1030 Vienna/Austria

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Monday - Friday: 9am - 2pm


Daniela Renner


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1030 Vienna/Austria

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