The European Association for Gestalt Therapy (EAGT) was founded in 1985, with the aim of gathering Euro-pean individual Gestalt therapists, Training Institutes and National Associations, of promoting Gestalt ther-apy in Europe, combining and exchanging knowledge and resources, fostering a high professional standard for Gestalt therapy and encouraging research. Today over 600 members (institutional and individual) from more than 20 European Nations are already part of the association. EAGT is an EWAO; which means an European Wide Accrediting Organization and as such a member of EAP (European Association for Psychother-apy).

President: Gianni Francesetti


Research in Gestalt Therapy

Introducting research methods to gestalt practitioners

Educational seminar

2-4 May 2014

Hotel Domus Nova Bethlem

Via Cavour 85/A - ROME

Organized by the Research Committee of the EAGT

Supported by Societa Italiana Psicoterapia della Gestalt (SIPG)

The social, political and cultural field is changing regarding research. For every psychotherapy approach it is becoming crucial to support explorations on both results and processes of change. Research is becoming a fundamental focus also for Gestalt practitionners for many reasons. It is a way to explore and share the processes we support in our daily work, to validate and discuss the results in many contexts, to find a common language to other approaches, to experiment with new creative ways to expand theory and practice, to firmly establish Gestalt therapy among other leading psychotherapy approaches.

The goal of this EAGT educational seminar is to become familiar with some research methods respectful of Gestalt therapy epistemology and easily accessible in daily practice. Furthermore, the seminar is aimed at building a network of people interested in enriching their practice and willing to participate in research networks.

Relators: Philp Brownell, Ken Evans, Rolf Sandell, Peter Shulthess, Margherita Spagnuolo Lobb, Christine Stevens, Floriana Romano.

Methods: Ground theory in clinical and organizations, CORE, post-therapy interview, single case study.

Participants: The seminar is addressed to Gestalt practitioners in psychotherapy and in organizations

Language: English

Time schedule:

Start on Friday at 15 pm

End on Sunday at 15 pm

Costs: Before December, 31st, 2013 : 160 euro - After December, 31st, 2013: 220 euro (board and lodging excluded)

Cancellation policy:

Cancellation before 1st March 2014 will receive a 50% refund of fees paid. Cancellation after 1st March 2014 forfeits all fees paid.

Information: www.eagt.org, eagtoffice@planet.nl / mgecele@hotmail.com

E’ con vivo piacere ed entusiasmo che diamo il benvenuto al

nuovo Presidente della EAGT: Gianni Francesetti.

A Gianni i più vivi complimenti e l’augurio di un buon lavoro dal Comitato Redazionale della News SIPG e dall’intera comunità gestaltica italiana ed europea.

Nel suo prezioso lavoro per la promozione della Psicoterapia della Gestalt Gianni è coadiuvato dagli altri membri del Comitato Esecutivo:

- Bas Lokerse – Vice President, Treasurer

- Jelena Želeskov Djoric – External relations / NOGTs officer

- Frans Meulmeester – Chair of Gestalt Practitioner in Organizations

- Nurith Levi – Chair of Training Standards Committee

- e il nostro Presidente Michele Cannavò – Secretary, cui va un particolare e caloroso saluto.

2013 11th EAGT

I am sitting on the Domburg beach (Walcheren, The Netherlands). The sun is shining, the seagulls screeching in the air, looking for food. In the distance I hear the surf. There is almost no wind and the waves roll gently over the sand. Curious as they are. They are not alone. They take everything with them. Striking are the remnants of our prosperity. I am thinking about the foreword for the website... The shifting sand slips through my fingers like the time eludes me. The sand becomes a metaphor for my experience of today's society. It slips through my fingers and becomes a whole again with the beach and without knowing with which granules I have had contact. Add a little water to the sand and the sand can be shaped into a sand castle, a mermaid or a race car. I leave my footprints behind as every human leaves their footprints behind in this society. When I look back, my mermaid has vanished in the sea and the beach is again as it was. All these thoughts bring me to the theme of the conference, which is:

The heART of connecting Co-creating individuals and communities

The art involves our heart, which means our passion, our availability to feel, to plunge into life, to meet novelty and feel alive and inspired. This all is not an individualistic process: contact is our immediate reality, so art and passion are consequences of connection. Connection is the result of a contact process. But also: the assimilation of our contacts is the way we can feel connected and belong to a community. This is crucial in our time as we’re living in a liquid society, like sand on a beach, implying specific difficulty and a need of belonging. The heART of connecting collects all these concepts that are fundamental in contemporary Gestalt therapy. Let us connect to these concepts at the 11th EAGT conference! I invite you wholeheartedly to attend to the conference and I look forward to connecting with you in Krakow.

Bas Lokerse - President ad interim EAGT

Visita il sito http://www.11eagtkrakow.com/

Jubilee Book

European Association for Gestalttherapy from Different Skills and Developments to Lost in Transformation

May 5th, 1985 – May 5th, 2010

25 years of European collaboration

Due to our 25th anniversary we’ve made a beautiful jubilee book which you van buy and below just a brief description of what you can expect:

- an Introduction;

- a preface;

- the history of the EAGT;

- several interviews;

- many photos of several held tri-annual conferences and writers conference ;

- last but not least our mission.

This book can be bought for € 20,=. The profit made on this book will go to our Human Rights & Social Responsibility (HR&SR) Committee. For that reason we recommend you to buy the book to support the HR&SR committee in their good work!!

As soon as we have received you payment (via PayPal or bank transfer) we will send the book to you by snail mail, do not forget to give us your complete address!

Subscribe and pre-pay now!

For more information you can contact eagtoffice@planet.nl

Come diventare membri dell’EAGT

In order to become a member of EAGT - when one is trained at a Training Institute which is not (yet) accredited by EAGT - one has to meet the below mentioned criteria:

- 600 hours of theory and methodology done in an experiential way (there has to be a minimum of 600 actual contact hours with at least 4 different trainers)

- 150 hours of supervision

- 400 hours of clinical practice (meaning at least 400 sessions with selected clients / patients (individuals, groups, couples, families, preferable a mix of these)

- 250 hours of personal therapeutic experience

- 50 hours personal preference

The training program consists of a minimum of 1450 hours.

Training programs have to declare clearly, what parts are theory and methodology, what parts is therapeutic experience and what is supervision of work with real clients/patients.

In this case the complete application form needs to filled in and can be send with the necessarily copies of certificates to EAGT office

If one is trained at a Training Institute which is accredited by EAGT one needs only to fill in the following parts of the application form

- personal data;

- the gestalt education data;

- signature on application form;

- send this with necessarily copies of certificate to EAGT office

For the both before mentioned options count that your file will be scanned and send to the EAGT secretary. The EAGT secretary will scrutinize the application form.

- If you meet the requirements and the secretary approves of the filled in application form the office manager will contact the NOGT and ask the NOGT whether they have any objections in accepting you as a member. The NOGT has to reply within 21 days to EAGT. Here follow 3 options;

a) The NOGT agrees – the applicant will become an ordinary member of EAGT and an EAGT certificate will be send to the applicant;

b) The NOGT does not reply – if the NOGT does not reply within 21 days, EAGT will see that as an approval and the applicant will become an ordinary member of EAGT and an EAGT certificate will be send to the applicant.

c) The NOGT does not agree – the NOGT has to give a substantiated explanation to EAGT. An example could be that the applicant is the recipient of a complaint and in this case we will accept and follow the advice of the NOGT.

The european writers support conference:

In these last years, other scientifically activities have been added. The European Writers Support Conference with the aim of supporting and promoting writing in Europe, where often the multitude of languages are an obstacle to the circulation of developments in theory and practice. EAGT organizers aim for participants who want support in writing. We hereby think of students, practitioners, researchers and editors of journals but colleagues who already publish are also welcome.


The EAGT Newsletter is a tool to let members know what is discussed in the General Board and in other Committees and working groups of the EAGT.


You can help us to help the Human Rights & Social Responsibility (HR&SR) committee, by donating.

Your financial contribution will allow us to realize the below mentioned projects of the HR&SR committee.

For this project we need about € 23.000,-.

Your donation is very much appreciated! http://eagt.org/collectebus.htm

Project with Peace Brigades International.

Peace Brigades International (PBI) is an international grassroots NGO that has promoted non-violence and protected human rights. The main focus of PBI is international accompaniment, for protecting human rights defenders threatened with violence because of their work, but also peace education. PBI sends international volunteers to areas of conflict, providing protective accompaniment to human rights defenders threatened by political violence, and also facilitate other peace-building initiatives. Currently PBI has volunteers in Columbia, Guatemala, Indonesian, Mexico and Guatemala ( www.peacebrigades.org ).

PBI and HR&SR Committee of the EAGT exchanged the objectives and working fields of both organisations and the services needed for PBI. PBI has developed minimum standards for providing emotional support for volunteers in the different phases of voluntary work: preparation, field work and reintegration in their own situation. EAGT and her members want to offer this emotional support in various directions.

a. Buddy training ex volunteers.

After two year field work ex volunteers have much experience in dealing with unsafe, stress and traumatic situations. They can play an important role for new volunteers in the briefing, field work and debriefing phase of the voluntary work. HR&SR Committee will develop a buddy training for ex volunteers. Basis communication skills, dealing with emotions and basic principles of counselling will be trained by EAGT Gestalt therapists. It is planned to carry out a first pilot of two day training in Switzerland in June 2010.

b. Professional emotional support.

PBI needs a network of professional volunteers that make themselves available and be willing to be contacted either e-mail or telephone while a volunteer is on a team or after they have left the team, for up to ten sessions. Currently HR&SR Committee makes a list of certificated Gestalt therapist who is willing to make themselves available. It is planned to make the list available at the beginning of 2010.

c. Team coaching in the field.

PBI volunteers work and live in the field for 24 hours a day in a team with less privacy and under stress and unsafe circumstances. External support from a professional in the mental health field is urgent in some projects of PBI (Nepal) were PBI cannot provide this. HR&SR resolved to send experienced Gestalt therapist into the field to give this support to volunteers. It is planned to bring 2 Gestalt therapists into the field in 2010 and 2011

EAGT (European Association for Gestalt Therapy) www.eagt.org

The office is run by Marga Berends (office manager)

You can contact her for information regarding all mentioned items in the menu bar.

Address office:

EAGT office

c/o Marga Berends

Noorderdiep 304

9521 BL Nieuw-Buinen

The Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0) 599 614661

Fax: +31 (0) 84 719 3196

e-mail: eagtoffice@planet.nl