Rocephin & Complications

MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 1993 Jan 22;42(2):39-42.

Ceftriaxone-associated biliary complications of treatment of suspected disseminated Lymedisease--New Jersey, 1990-1992.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).


Lyme disease (LD) is endemic in Monmouth and Ocean counties, New Jersey (1). In June 1992, CDC and the New Jersey Department of Health (NJDOH) conducted a telephone survey in both counties of 65 schoolchildren who required home instruction because of suspected LD to determine the public health impact of the disease.

Most children had received prolonged and repeated courses of oral antimicrobials and/or home intravenous infusion of antimicrobials; 79% had been hospitalized for treatment of suspected LD or management of treatment complications, most notably drug-induced symptoms of gallbladder disease occurring in patients receiving ceftriaxone (Rocephin), and bloodstream infections associated with intravenous catheters.

To determine the characteristics of and treatment complications for patients hospitalized for treatment of LD, a computerized search of hospital discharge data in New Jersey was performed; nearly 30% of all hospitalizations for LD during 1990-1991 were at a regional hospital serving Monmouth and Ocean counties. This report presents findings of an analysis of patients admitted to that hospital for treatment of LD.

PMID: 8419791 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]