New Jersey Laws, Policies and Regulations

New Jersey

1992 Public Education Law

The Lyme Disease Association of New Jersey, now LDA, was successful in having the following laws adopted in New Jersey.

P.L. 18A 35-5.1 (1992)

The Commissioner of Education, in consultation with the Commissioner of Health, shall develop curriculum guidelines for the teaching of information on the prevention of Lyme disease within the public school health curriculum. The guidelines shall emphasize disease prevention and sensitivity for victims of the disease. The Commissioner of Education shall periodically review and update the guidelines to insure that the curriculum reflects the most current information available.

P.L. 18A 35-5.3 (1992)

The Commissioner of Education, in consultation with the Commissioner of Health, shall also provide curriculum guides for the training of all teachers who instruct students with Lyme which emphasizes the special needs and problems of students with the disease, in order to provide information about how best to teach those students. Each school district shall annually provide training to all teachers who instruct students with Lyme disease, based upon the guidelines.

2005 Medical Board Administrative

The NJ State Board of Medical Examiners worked with LDA to have Lyme literate physicians placed on the NJ State Board of Medical Examiners Review Board.

2006 Assembly Resolution passed

Memorializes Congress and President to enact "Lyme and Tick-borne Disease Prevention, Education, and Research Act of 2005."


Thanks to the national Lyme Disease Association for its work in the New Jersey political arena. For more information on the LDA's accomplishments, click on link below.

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