The Basics

“Lyme Disease and associated tick-borne diseases: The Basics” 5th Edition 2007 by Douglas W. Fearn, can be downloaded (FREE) from the Lyme Disease Association of Southeastern Pennsylvania website. "The Basics" contains essential information about Lyme and other tick-borne diseases needed by anyone beginning to learn about these infectious illnesses. It is written in a nontechnical question-and-answer format and was reviewed for accuracy by knowledgeable members of LDASEPA and by several prominent Lyme-literate physicians.

The booklet addresses such concerns as; “How does one get Lyme disease?” “How does one know if s/he has it?” “What treatment may be required?” and “What are some of the varied coinfections that may also be transmitted by ticks?”. Another important feature of the booklet is an excellent symptom checklist, organized around various body systems.

“Lyme Disease: The Basics” is an excellent starting point for learning about the tick-borne illnesses that are increasingly prevalent here in Lyme-endemic Southeastern Pennsylvania as well as the rest of the United States.

"THE BASICS - printable booklet have pages in alternating order for assembling in a booklet, not in sequential order.

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PDF format Print the full text here (15 pages).

THE BASICS - sequential page version with references included:

A Spanish version of THE BASICS is now available at:

Lyme Disease Association of Southeastern Pennsylvania website, click here.

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