40: Verification and Validation

"A theory has only the alternative of being right or wrong. A model has a third possibility: it may be right, but irrelevant." -  Eigen, Manfred“Verification is solving the equations right; Validation is solving the right equations.” - Unknown.

Lecture outline: How can simulation models be verified and validated?

1) Common simulation mistakes.

Checklist for simulations.

Simulation results validation (validation and output analysis).

2) Verification and Validation

Verification---are we building the model right?

Model verification techniques.

Validation---are we building the correct model?

All models are approximations.

Principles of simulation modeling (Alan Pritsker's advice).

Calibrating models is iterative.

Principles of V&V

Simulation results validation.

3) Credibility of simulations.

A cautionary note on simulations.

Repeatability of results.

Primary reference for this lecture:

“The Art of Computer Systems Performance Analysis: Techniques for Experimental Design, Measurement, Simulation, and Modeling” by Raj Jain; Chapter 25: “Analysis of Simulation Results”; Section 25.1 and 25.2.

Secondary references for this lecture:

1. “Fundamentals of Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication System”, by Obaidat and Boudriga; Chapter 11: “Analysis of Simulation Results”.

2. "Handbook of Simulation", edited by J Banks, Part 2: Chapter 10, Verification, Validation, and Testing.

3. "Why we don't know how to simulate the Internet", Paxson and Floyd, [link].

4. "Improving Confidence in Network Simulation", Weigle, [link]