Credits/ Acknowledgments

The creation of a 45 lecture course on a subject as diverse as 'Network Performance Evaluation' is a big project. I will not hesitate to admit that I have borrowed liberally from numerous resources and hundreds of textbooks and research papers. 

I have designed and created the course myself and have myself created the lecture slides. The resources used in the lecture slides have been used for educational purpose under the fair use doctrine.  The ownership of these resources, if copyrighted, is retained by their respective copyright owners. If you find something good in this course, it is probably due to the numerous good people who have shared their scholarly work with the community through various channels.

I have made all attempts to attribute ownership of content to their rightful owners wherever possible and have made an explicit attempt to cite all the authors/ owners of intellectual property of various resources used in the preparation of lecture at the end of every lecture in the credits/ acknowledgment slide. However, it is inevitable that I might have missed out somewhere. If you are the author of some resource that is used in my lectures but is not credited, please do let me know and I will gladly fix the acknowledgement. 

Last but not least, I will like to acknowledge the help from the members of my research group Cognet in the editing/ post-production phase of this course. I will like to explicitly acknowledge the help of Ejaz Ahmed, Quratulain Shafi, Zeeshan Asif, Syed Ahmed Faran, Adnan Bashir, Adil Kamal Mir, Syed Asadullah Hussain, Faizan Khalid and Fahad Manzoor in this regard.