02: Science of NPE

"We ought, in every instance, to submit our reasoning to the test of experiment, and never to search for truth but by the natural road of experiment and observation." – Lavoisier (Elements of Chemistry)."Art and science have their meeting point in method." - Edward Bulwer-Lytton.Lecture outline: how can we objectively evaluate performance of a new networking system/ algorithm in a scientific unbiased manner?

1. What is science?

Foundations of science: empirical verification; operational hypothesis; controlled experimentation; reproducible evidence; logically valid and sound reasoning.

Methods of reasoning: deductive vs. inductive reasoning

Logic: valid and sound reasoning.

2. How science should be done?

Ethics of Science

3. What is not science?

Hallmarks of pseudo-science

4. History of Science.

Primary reference for this lecture:

“Performance Evaluation of Computer and Communication Systems” by Le Boudec, Chapter 1: “Methodology”

Secondary references for this lecture:

“Experimental Computer Science: The Need for a Cultural Change” by Dror Feitelson [link].