Kimbridge Circle 1

A gentle 3 mile walk from and to Kimbridge Barn, dog friendly cafe. It includes woodland, farmland and a reclaimed gravel pit/lake. The Mill Arms pub is half way round.

  1. From Kimbridge Barn (grid reference SU328255), turn right and cross the railway line. Just past the level crossing, take the footpath on the right into the woods. At the cross roads in the woods, carry straight on, through the gate and past the house until you reach the road.
  2. Carefully cross the road and continue on the footpath on the opposite side. This takes you through the restored gravel pit and lake.
  3. Continue straight on across the next field until you reach the corner of a wood. Turn right up the track until you reach a stile on the right.
  4. Take the path north, heading for the corner of the next wood/copse. Follow the left hand side of this wood until you reach the stile.
  5. Cross the stile and continue on the path until you reach the Mill Arms pub.
  6. Cross the road and go over the level crossing. A little way after you cross the river is a footpath to the right. Follow this up the hill and right onto the cycle lane into Mottisfont.
  7. Carefully follow the road to the right until you reach the church. Go through the churchyard and out the other side. Follow the lane until the path goes in to the pasture.
  8. Cross the field to the River, over the bridge and up the path on the other side. This has a bridge over the railway. Follow the track until you reach the original crossroads in the woods. Turn left here and retrace your steps back to the Kimbridge Barn for refreshments.

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