

Peaceful Protestor Safety Tips from the NDMU SGA:

- Bring your mask or have broad face covering

- Carry loose change and a backpack

- Wear elbow and knee pads

- Lycra skin covers

- Cover your eyes

- Carry an umbrella, water and snacks

- Wear heat resistant gloves

- Wear sneakers/appropriate footwear

Contact SGA if you would like to schedule a forum! sga@ndm.edu

An Open Forum to Discuss Race, Covid, and Justice:

Several faculty/staff members and students from across the University are organizing a community-wide Zoom forum this Friday at 4 p.m. for us to discuss the ways in which the pandemic in the US is intersecting with structural racism to produce deepening inequity, violence, and death. And, even more importantly, what we can do as individuals and as a community to demand justice. We will have several knowledgeable faculty/staff moderators, including Jen Erdman, Jina Fast, and Brandy Garlic. We also have several student moderators. And we want to hear from YOU.

Here is the link to the Zoom forum:


Please spread the word about the Forum via social media and let your friends know! The more participants we have, the more voices are raised, the more powerful will be the momentum we can carry forward into action.

Hoping you will be part of the forum—and encourage others to join,


Rest in Peace Former Rep. John Lewis

Another heartbreak has occurred this year with the death of John Robert Lewis. Lewis was a towering figure in the civil rights movement and in the US Congress. He was an honored and respected man who was a champion of change. He demanded the respect of every human being and continued the struggle for black lives. We celebrate this man for his courage and relentless drive in making Black Lives Matter a priority in policies and around the world.

What Defunding the Police Really Means

"Defund the police" is not an irrational idea that means completely disbanding the police force. It means reallocating funding away from the police department to other government agencies funded by the locals. DEFUND does not mean ABOLISH! BLM wants to see the rotten parts of the police department stripped away leaving room for new growth.