Starting A New Student Organization or Club

Got a great idea for a student organization at NDMU? Here's how to begin a new student organization on campus

  1. Before you put any plans in place check to make sure a similar student organization does not already exist through the link below.

2. Find interested students who want to be engaged participants.

3. Determine who will be an amazing staff/faculty adviser for your organization. Discuss with them your thoughts and ask their advice.

4. Review the NDMU SGA Bylaws and make sure to review a sample of an organizational constitution in our bylaws through the link below.

5. Tailor the mock constitution to fit the needs of your club.

6. Email at least two weeks before a senate meeting letting us know that you would like to start an organization, and you need to set up a meeting with us. Please attach your organization's constitution to the email as well.

*Note: The first two senate meetings of each new semester are the only time's in which new organizations will be able to come before the senate

7. Meet with SGA Exec Board Member(s) and come ready with details about your organization

8. You will be contacted once SGA has reached an executive decision on whether or not your organization is approved and invited to go to Senate

9. You will attend an SGA Senate meeting to present your club to the senate. The senate will then vote on passing your club's legislation. Your organization must receive 2/3 of the Senate's approval.

10. Should your club be voted in, you will then need to complete all necessary training with the SGA.