2024-06-16 The great EUSA rip off of Russia is now exposed, and the War for "Freedom and Democracy" is anything but. 

The great EUSA rip off of Russia is now exposed, and the War for "Freedom and Democracy" is anything but. 

After causing the Civil War in Ukraine with a CIA backed Coup, flooding the grossly corrupt country with weapons and backing Nazis in Kiev, the west now will funnel Billions of Moscows money into their weapons industries, using siezed (Stolen)  Russian assets to pay the bill. 

"The EU has agreed to allocate incomes from immobilized Russian assets, worth 1.5 billion euro. Ukraine is expected to receive the funds in July 2024,"

90% of it will be used to finance Kiev’s military spending, the remaining 10% will be directed for "reconstruction"

The EU, US, Japan and Canada seized Russia's assets of about $300 billion after the start of the conflict, about $5-6 billion is located in the US, but most of it is in Europe, including the Euroclear international platform in Belgium

