2024-03-12 Putin, Volkov, Navalny and the Thomas Becket Syndrome.

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2024-03-12 Putin, Volkov, Navalny and the Thomas Becket Syndrome.

Leonid Volkov ( Alexey Navalny’s chief of staff was attacked in Vilnius Lithuania on 2024-03-12 ) has just been attacked outside his house. Someone broke a car window and sprayed tear gas in his eyes, after which the attacker started hitting Leonid with a hammer. They hit his legs with a hammer and hit his arms. It is obvious that after the murder of Navalny, they will now fully go after those who left the Russian Federation. The attack on Volkov was likely “Russian organized.” The attack against a FBK member Leonid VOLKOV, is likely an operation organized and implemented by Russia. The aim of the operation was likely to curb Russian opposition activities related to the upcoming undemocratic Russian presidential elections,” Lithuanian President Gitanas Nauseda said there is “no doubt” the attack was “planned.” Authorities in the Baltic country will “assess, investigate and hopefully find the guilty persons,” Gitanas Nauseda said before going on to make a direct address to his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin. “And I can only say one thing to Vladimir Putin - nobody is afraid of you here.”


By the braintumorguy ... please make a small Donation ... ( 1 Euro € ... ), ( 1 U.S. dollar $ ... ), ( 1 U.K. Pound £ ... ), ... https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/niactec ... poor and homeless in Athens, Greece ... my Brain Tumor is Growing, for more information about me, please visit https://sites.google.com/site/niactec/ ... and for more information about Vladimiir Putin ... please view the following youtube videos ... РУССКИЙ - Владимир Путин на Афоне зан - RUSSIAN - Vladimir Putin on Mount Athos    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UYFamjW_tVc&list=PLH99V1T9pDs7Y8M-YquOfAwTOblVhsIpc&index=2


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