2024-06-13 BREAKING:Proof that Ukraine was directly involved in destroying the Nord Stream gas Pipeline.

2016– Ukrainian Dive school opened. The first divers were with the Mariupol Maritime Security Detachment. It was a 2-week course with NATO diver prep training. Divers were trained at five meter depths. 

2017–Ukraine’s interest shifts to deep water military diving. The photo below shows how unprepared they were to do this and how ill equipped. At the beginning, they started with old Soviet salvage diver equipment but that changed very fast and their effort gained backing from the UK and Germany. 

2017– German instructors upgrade Ukrainian diver training in the cold water Baltic Sea using dry suits for the first time. Ukrainian divers are acquainted with utilizing dive stops to equalize pressure at different depths before surfacing.

This is one of the most essential deep-water skills allowing a diver to surface from depths exceeding 90 meters without the need for a decompression chamber.

The Ukrainian divers learned to navigate in the pitch-black water of the Baltic Sea and locate objects on the bottom for military purposes such as sabotage. 

2017– The UK’s Royal Navy’s Special Boat Service (SBS) begin training Ukrainian divers how to use diver propulsion vehicles (scooters) and navigate under water to targets. 

2018– “The School of Military Divers volunteer project has deliberately focused its efforts on supporting of Navy Special Operation forces.

As if we impose a real threat of saboteur actions on the Black Sea gas platforms for our enemy, or, to say, the risk of advance of the underwater scout groups somewhere near Novoazovsk, – it will undermine their resolve greatly.” 

2019– Ukrainian Divers train to dive to 30 meters depth. According to the newly approved program, divers must perform at least five such dives during the training course.” This gives us the history of the development of specialty deep water divers in Ukraine that work beside the Ukrainian military complete with training photos. It shows training but a lack of experience at 40-90-meter dives for the stated purpose of attacking Russian energy platforms and obviously supply lines. This lack of practical experience reflects the opinions of DEVGRU, Delta Force, and other experts interviewed by Jeff Brodsky concerning mistakes made at the single Nord Stream bomb site that wasn’t cleansed by the resulting pipe burst.

2020– Ukraine starts work with Germany to turn Ukraine into a green energy hub for Europe. Ukraine passes a bill to support the 2030 agenda.

April-May 2021– Zelenskyy pushes Biden to support him starting a hot war with Russia. Biden declines.

May 2021– Biden waives sanctions on Nord Stream certification.

May 2021- German Green Party candidate Annalena Baebock says she’s in sync with Biden on security issues to gain support in the November election.

May-June 2021- Zelenskyy screaming that Nord Stream cannot go online. If Russia stops paying for Ukrainian gas transit Zelenskyy can’t pay for the war.

As long as there is a ready supply of affordable natural gas, the Green’s agenda can’t go forward. 

June 2021– Annalena Baerbock and the Green Party work to stop Nord Stream certification. Baerbock declares Nord Stream a security threat for Germany in an interview with Fareed Zakaria. 

October 2021– “Russia has not yet cut off gas supplies to Ukraine,” Dimitro Kuleba said on Twitter. “In case the Kremlin decides to do so and destroy the remnants of its reputation as an energy supplier to Europe, we have a series of asymmetric steps in return.”  

September 5th 2022- Zelenskyy seems to be signalling what a post Nord Stream world will look like by assuring Europe that Ukraine will pick up the slack in energy production and deliveries. 

September 20th-29th 2022-Germany starts moving troops, ships, and air force assets to Estonia for Baltic Tiger 2022. The bilateral training exercise was planned only two months before setting it in motion.

This included Baltic convoy protection, air/sea rescue, demining, etc. The exercise began on October 1st and ran through the 27th. 

September 26th 2022– The Nord Stream sabotage bombings.

We’ve established means, methods, political will and policy, and transport for the Ukrainian deep-water demolition divers.

After passing deep water training, the Ukrainian deep water demolition team described above was five men and their team leader. The Washington Post reported a six man team.

Sean Ryan and retired DEVGRU Master Chief Chris Beck, say that this type of operation is outside the scope of Navy Seals or SBS divers because it is an extreme specialty. This describes the purpose of this particular Ukrainian diver training operation perfectly.

Secondly, and just as important, he describes the transport he invented as the perfect vehicle for this type of operation. It looks like fish on sonar.

Beck is speaking from his inside knowledge and understanding of how this would work, not from a participatory standpoint.

But, limiting the entire operation to two hours, given the distance from shore and between blast sites in the most heavily surveilled waters on the planet, closes the window on fake stories. The vessels transporting the divers had a right to be there at that time.

Retired Master Chief Beck describes what’s needed to do a mission like the Nord Stream bombing and the mini sub he invented to do it quietly and unnoticed.

The above summary shows clearly both the build up to and participation at the political and boots on the ground level. It shows transport to the sites by motivated parties had a six-day window. It’s clear if the German Navy wasn’t participating, they watched it happen.

The odds of the latter given the provable evidence is less than finding any good will toward you and your future from all of those named above.

The rest of the story will be filled out including why and what the UK hoped to gain from this, what’s behind the need to destroy affordable energy, and where this all leads to. 
