Version History

4.5 (beta)

4.5.1 (beta)

  • Fixed Import button, broken by Manifest 2.

4.5.0 (beta)

  • Removed the prefix Search from the search options in the menu.
  • Added a Google+ link and +1 button to the options page.
  • Changed to Manifest 2.

4.4 (beta)

4.4.0 (beta)

  • Added a Facebook Like button to the options page.

4.3 (beta)

4.3.8 (beta)

  • Omnibox searches that use either the {url} or {domain} codes now open a new tab for the result rather than displaying the result in the current tab, this is to improve the Google Site Search and Google Bookmarks functionality.

4.3.7 (beta)

  • Fixed problem preventing all but the first tab opening on a multi-tab search.

4.3.6 (beta)

  • Expanded the Web Encode option to support the Chinese GB-2312 character set, thanks to fatq for help with finding a solution to this.

4.3.5 (beta)

  • Removed Search prefix from Context Menu entries that do not use {searchTerms}.
  • Changed hint text for Omnibox entries that do not use {searchTerms}.
  • Fixed Omnibox search issue with short named tags performing the wrong search.
  • Disabling Synchronisation now clears all previously stored internal Synchronisation settings.

4.3.4 (beta)

  • Added a popout window for editing newly Search Engines (from the page Action or from The Mycroft Project) on non Windows platforms.

4.3.3 (beta)

  • Fixed a bug that was causing the Context Menu to appear double nested.

4.3.2 (beta)

  • Fixed a small bug that prevented already installed version of the extension from adding the new Google Site Search and Google Bookmarks search engines.

4.3.1 (beta)

  • Added {url}, {title} and {domain} support to Omnibox based searches.
  • Added Google Site Search and Google Bookmarks to the default Search Engines.

4.3.0 (beta)

  • The search string now supports the new codes {url}, {domain} and {title}, respectively for the URL of the page you are searching from, the domain address of the page you are searching from and the title of the page you are searching from.
  • Search strings that do not use {searchTerms} are now always available from the context menu.
  • It is now possible to completely disable the Context Menu.

4.2 (beta)

4.2.0 (beta)

  • You can now add search engines that do not support OpenSearch using the page action, simply perform a search for {searchTerms} or %s and the page action icon should appear.
  • Added an Import / Export facility for the settings.
  • Added the Version Histroy to the Options Page.
  • Further redesign of the Options Page UI.
  • Minor fix to the Desktop Alert, changing the caption here was not being reflected in the context menu until a restart.

4.1 (beta)

4.1.0 (beta)

  • The Added Search Engine Desktop Alert now allows you to edit the Caption, Tags and Url of the newly added Search Engine.

4.0 (beta)

4.0.1 (beta)

  • Fix to bug that was preventing the selecting of %20 for the Spaces encoding option.
  • Now if closing a Search Engine edit box with no Caption, no Tags and no Search Query the Search Engine entry will be removed from the Search Engines list.
  • Now if closing an Additional Search Engine edit box with no Search Query the Additional Search Engine entry will be removed from the Additional Search Engines list.
  • Search Engines can now be independently enabled and disabled for the Context Menu and the Omnibox.

4.0.0 (beta)

  • Redesigned Options Page UI for less cluttered Search Engines editor.
  • Added a default option to search engines to mark one menu option as the default for use with the Omnibar.
  • Added a search page ( chrome-extension://afmdpmddiokpdknaeofdnlclbpgehhce/search.html?s=%s ) that can be used to replace Chrome's default search engine, this uses the extension's default search and as such can open multiple tabs with a simple search from the Omnibar.
  • When entering and saving a Search Query, %s will now automatically get converted to {searchTerms}.
  • Added a desktop notification to warn when a search engine could not be added (either from OpenSearch or Mycroft).
  • Added new option to govern when Desktop Alerts are displayed.

3.1 (beta)

3.1.1 (beta)

  • Replaced the alert box for informing a user that a search engine has been added with a Desktop Notification.
  • Minor refactoring of Options page code.
  • Changed default setting for OpenSearch to Use a Page Action.

3.1.0 (beta)

  • Added a Page Action option for OpenSearch, when using this setting and you visit a site that supports OpenSearch and isn't already in your list of search engines, a Page Action will appear allowing you to add the search engine.

3.0 (beta)

3.0.2 (beta)

  • Fix to bug that prevented the Mycroft Project functionality from working when the OpenSearch functionality is disabled.

3.0.1 (beta)

  • Restricted suggested search engines in the Omnibar to only those set as Active.
  • Added localisation framework to Omnibar search suggestions.

3.0.0 (beta)

  • Added Omnibar support, refer to the Omnibar documentation for further details.

2.2 (beta)

2.2.1 (beta)

  • Can now access context menu through right-click even if there is no selected text on the page. When accessed like this only the options page menu option is available.
  • New line character now prepended with space.
  • Minor refactoring of Options page HTML.

2.2.0 (beta)

  • Added support for The Mycroft Project.

2.1 (beta)

2.1.4 (beta)

  • Bug fix to Synchronisation storing blank data on new installations.

2.1.3 (beta)

  • Bug fix to handling the web encoding of international characters when Chrome is set to character encoding other than ISO-8859-1.

2.1.2 (beta)

  • Added support for web encoding accented characters (and other international characters) for web sites that do not accept these in an unencoded format, thanks to Martin for helping to track this down.

2.1.1 (beta)

  • Added support for defining how spaces will be converted (to a + or %20) when passed to the search engine.
  • Minor fix to passing POST / GET method when using multiple searches that use different methods.

2.1.0 (beta)

  • Added support for POST method forms.
  • Minor tidy to icon to bring in line with Google recommended practices.

2.0 (beta)

2.0.6 (beta)

  • Fix to formatting of multi-query searches on the options page.

2.0.5 (beta)

  • Added new default search engines of Bing and Yahoo.
  • Upgraded internal data structure to store form submission method, space character translation and tags.

2.0.4 (beta)

  • Corrected options page hint from {searchText} to {searchTerms}.
  • Improvements to Synchronisation's authorisation checks.

2.0.3 (beta)

  • Added version storing. This will be used by future versions.

2.0.2 (beta)

  • Minor script tidy.

2.0.1 (beta)

  • Fix to bug in Synchronisation caused by Google Docs accounts that have 0 folders.

2.0.0 (beta)

  • Synchronisation added, refer to the Synchronisation documentation for further details.
  • Minor performance improvement to injected code for OpenSeach when OpenSearch is disabled.

1.1 (beta)

1.1.3 (beta)

    • Improved support for OpenSearch replacement tags (the OpenSearch url is now fully preserved).

1.1.2 (beta)

    • Shortened the menu options text.

1.1.1 (beta)

    • Changed options page to link to new extension web site.

1.1.0 (beta)

    • While little has change from a GUI perspective, much has changed under the hood (hence the significant version bump). What had started out as a fairly simple extension was starting to become unmanageable code, for this reason I have rewritten most of the code.
    • When a search engine is harvested from OpenSearch and added, this will automatically be shown in the options page (without losing unsaved edits).

1.0.3 (beta) (beta)

    • Added the ability to chose if the first new tab opened by a search should be focused or not.
    • Added version number to options page About Box. (beta)

    • Fixed issue caused by bug in API. The context menu icon now remains after an update to the menu list. (beta)

    • Added the ability to add multiple search engines to a single menu option, opening multiple result tabs.
    • General clean up of the options page code. (beta)

    • Added handling of OpenSearch optional parameters.
    • Enhanced display of options saved status. (beta)

    • Corrected minimum Chrome version required, now works in the stable build. (beta)

    • Added support for OpenSearch. Web pages that provide OpenSearch data will automatically add themselves to the list of search engines. Provided an option to disable this.

1.0.2 (beta) (beta)

    • Added localisation framework to options page.
    • Added an Options menu option, this can be disabled from the options page. (beta)

    • Added options page to add and edit available search engines.

1.0.1 (beta) (beta)

    • Moved to beta status. While it depends on Dev Build / Beta Build functionality it will remain in beta.
    • Released to Extensions Gallery.

1.0.0 (alpha) (alpha)

    • Corrections to auto update process. (alpha)

    • Improved Support for non-standard locales (locales with a _ in them). (alpha)

    • Added auto update. (alpha)

    • Added framework for localisation.
    • Locales Supported: en_GB (default) (alpha)

    • First version.
    • Engines Supported: Google Maps, Wikipedia,,