Versions 4.3.5 (beta)

Post date: 26-Apr-2011 12:01:31

This releases includes some phraseology improvements, a fix to Tags used for Omnibox based searches and an improvement to Synchronisation clean-up when deactivating it.

The phraseology improvements are to the Context Menu and the Omnibox for entries that do not use the {searchTerms} place holder. Referring to these entries as searches was inappropriate.

The Tag fix is to a problem with using Tags within an Omnibox search, prior to this fix if a tag was also used as the start of another tag (for example the tag "Google" and the tag "GoogleMaps") and the longer tag occurred first in the list of Search Engines, only the shorter tag got used for searching.

Finally, to help with an on-going intermittent issue with Synchronisation, when deactivating Synchronisation, all internally stored keys used by Synchronisation are now cleared. Please refer to the Known Issues page for further details on dealing with this issue.