Known Issues

Issues To Be Addressed In a Future Release

  • There is an ongoing problem with synchronisation. If you encounter this problem, follow these steps:
      1. Deactivate Multi Search's synchronisation on all your Chrome installations.
      2. Go to your Google Docs account and locate the Chrome Sync folder.
      3. If you have more than one document for Multi Search, you will need to delete all but one. Ensure that the one you keep is the document with the most content.
      4. Open the remaining Multi Search document (DO NOT EDIT THIS) and then close it again - doing this seems to reset something within Google Docs.
      5. Clear the deleted versions of the Multi Search document from the Bin.
      6. Reactivate Multi Search's synchronisation on all your Chrome installations.

API Issues That Require Changes to The API by Google

  • I'd like to add favicons / customisable icons to the menu options, unfortunately the Google Context Menu API doesn't support this at the moment.
  • I'd like to allow clicking on the top level context menu option to perform a search with the Default Search Engine, however the Google Context Menu API currently does not return an onclick event for menu items with sub options.
  • Because of the above issue with the onclick event, I am also forced to put the following modification on hold "When clicking on a parent menu option in the menu hierarchy, initiate a search with all engines (controlled with an option)".
  • I'd like to add search from a Browser Action, unfortunately the API system does not allow both a Page Action and Browser Action in the same Extension.