Version 2.0.0 (beta)

Post date: 10-Nov-2010 13:07:41

Sync is now here! Version 2.0.0 introduces Synchronisation for your settings across multiple computers. You can even synchronise with other user accounts.

When activated, Synchronisation creates a folder call "Chrome Sync" in your Google Docs. This is used to store a synchronisation file called "Multi Search".

The first time you synchronise, your local settings will be stored on the server. When you subsequently turn on Synchronisation on another computer your local settings will be merged with those on the server.

Because not everyone needs Synchronisation and using Synchronisation does add an overhead (albeit a small overhead) to your network traffic, this setting defaults to off.

Synchronising Across Multiple User Accounts

It is possible for a user to share their settings with another user account. Here is how:

1. The first user shares their "Multi Search" document with the second user (giving read / write access).

2. The second user creates a "Chrome Sync" folder in their own Google Docs.

3. The second user then moves the shared "Multi Search" document to their "Chrome Sync" folder.

4. The second user turns on Synchronisation in Multi Search's options page.