Multiple Mobile Robots


Aim of the project was to design and fabricate 3 mobile robots which can be used for multiple mobile robots applications. The robots were required to autonomously navigate by coordination using only the local parameters (by sensors) at individual bases without any preloaded information or map of area.

There was be no explicit communication among robots; they interact using sensors only. Each robot will have simple algorithm (i.e. rules about how to navigate when another robot is encountered). These robots start at random in a closed workspace and after sometime, a group behavior emerges after physical interactions of the robots depending on the simple rules programmed in every robot.


Group Behavior: Every robot is programmed to move with any robot it encounters.

Random Motion: When a robot encounters another robot, it tries to move away from it. This behavior appears to mimic random movements of insects in a closed region.

Project Ingenuity

These emergent group behaviors have been achieved by many researchers. Our aim was to design robots which are cheap i.e. they do not have camera and heavy processing capabilities. We have achieved this by using simple sensors and minimal on-board computations. Cost of 1 robot is around US $80.


Syed Mujeeb-Ur-Rehman Zaidi

Syed Asim Ali Bukhari

M. Asad Shabbir

Usman Ghani


M. Usman Rafique


The project has been completed.

For detailed project report, please Contact through email.