
some useful stuff for ubuntu linux

sources.list for ubuntu

## Main

deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu <version> main restricted universe multiverse

# deb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu <version> main restricted universe multiverse

## Major bug fix updates

deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu <version>-updates main restricted universe multiverse

# deb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu <version>-updates main restricted universe multiverse

## Security Updates

deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu <version>-security main restricted universe multiverse

# deb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu <version>-security main restricted universe multiverse

## Backports

deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ <version>-backports main restricted universe multiverse

deb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ <version>-backports main restricted universe multiverse

## Canonical 'partner' repository

deb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu <version> partner

# deb-src http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu <version> partner

## google

deb http://dl.google.com/linux/earth/deb/ stable main

deb http://dl.google.com/linux/musicmanager/deb/ stable main

deb http://dl.google.com/linux/chrome/deb/ stable main


Conky is a neat & light weight system monitor for X desktops. It's available as deb package conky in the official ubuntu repositories. Save this configuration file as ~/.conkyrc & start it with "conky" from a terminal.

much more configuration examples are here

useful programs for monitoring your system

- baobab (sudo apt-get install baobab): shows you disk usage by folder

- localepurge (sudo apt-get install localepurge): removes unused locales (saves loads of diskspace)

helpful console commands

Check Volume Status of the ALSA PCM device

If your audio volume in ubuntu is very low (although all the PulseAudio Volume controls are up) your problem is most likely caused by the PCM mixer's volume being muted/set to 0%. Check it's status via alsamixer:


$ alsamixer -Dhw

Add an apt key (obviously replace http://host.com/name.key.asc with the real URL)


Mount an iso (run "sudo mkdir /media/iso" first)


List all open ports:


Get IP's without hostnames:


List what's using eg. TCP port 443:


Fix "libary not found" issues when compiling custom software under /usr/local/ in ubuntu:


wget http://host.com/name.key.asc -O - | sudo apt-key add -

sudo mount -t iso9660 -o ro -o loop /home/user/filename.iso /media/iso

sudo netstat -lpAinet

sudo netstat -lpnAinet

sudo fuser -v 443/tcp

sudo gedit /etc/ld.so.conf (check that the file contains)


sudo ldconfig

Convert Windows DVB transponder .ini files to Kaffeine style


GET http://joshyfun.peque.org/transponders/0130.ini |

sed 's/^\(.*\)=\([0-9]*\),\(.\),\(.*\),\(.\)\(.\)/S \2000 \3 \4000 \5\/\6/g' |

grep ^S > ~/.kde/share/apps/kaffeine/dvb-s/Hotbird-13.0E

Bash Script to build Binary Packages from a local bzr branch

#!/bin/bash ## This script builds source and binary packages from a local bzr branch ## for multiple ubuntu releases & uploads source packages to a launchpad ppa ### Config Start ### ## Local directory path to the folder containing the directory where the App Sources live workdir=/home/$USER/work ## Local Directory name in $workdir where the App Sources live project="src" ## App Name name="honeypod" ## App Version number taken from debian/changelog ver=$(less $workdir/$project/debian/changelog | awk 'NR>1{exit};1' | sed 's/.*(\(.*\)-.*/\1/' ) ## Launchpad package signing key key="7D43B12D" ## Launchpad ppa to upload ppa="ppa:simbad/honeypod" ## Release nickname currently on the first line of the debian/changelog file release1="quantal" ## build also Source packages for those releases release2="precise" release3="oneiric" ### Config End ### echo "exporting $project-$ver to $workdir/$ver" echo -n "is this ok? (y/n)" read ans case "$ans" in y|Y|yes|YES|Yes) echo "starting bzr export" ;; *) echo bene && exit 0 ;; esac # export bzr cd $workdir/$project bzr export ../$name-$ver.tar.gz cd $workdir tar -xvzf $name-$ver.tar.gz cd $name-$ver # build Source package for $release1 echo "Building $name_$ver Source deb..." debuild -S -sa -k$key && echo "Build done" cd $workdir mkdir -p "$ver" mv *_"$ver"* "$ver/" mv *-"$ver"* "$ver/" # build binary package for $release1 cd $workdir/$ver/$name-$ver echo -n "Build Binary package? (y/n)" read ans case "$ans" in y|Y|yes|YES|Yes) fakeroot debian/rules binary && fakeroot debian/rules clean && echo "Binary Package Build done" ;; *) echo bene ;; esac # build source packages for other releases echo -n "Build Source packages for $release2 and $release3 ? (y/n)" read ans case "$ans" in y|Y|yes|YES|Yes) # build source packages for $release2 cd $workdir/$ver/$name-$ver/debian sed -i "/$ver/s/$release1/$release2/g" changelog cd .. debuild -S -sa -k$key # build source packages for for $release3 cd $workdir/$ver/$name-$ver/debian sed -i "/$ver/s/$release2/$release3/g" changelog cd .. debuild -S -sa -k$key echo "Source Package builds done" ;; *) echo bene ;; esac # install binary package for $release1 cd $workdir/$ver echo -n "Install Deb Package? (y/n)" read ans case "$ans" in y|Y|yes|YES|Yes) sudo dpkg -i "$name"_"$ver"*.deb ;; *) echo bene ;; esac # upload to launchpad cd $workdir/$ver echo -n "Upload Source Packages to Launchpad? (y/n)" read ans case "$ans" in y|Y|yes|YES|Yes) dput "$ppa" "$name"_"$ver"*source.changes ;; *) echo bene ;; esac echo "" echo "All Done!" echo ""