

To download a transcript or document, press the alt-option key on your keyboard while clicking on the link, or right click on the link and select "download linked file." You can also view a transcript online without even downloading it by simply double clicking on the link.


To download a single Mp3 audio file, press the alt-option key on your keyboard while clicking on the link, or right click on the link and select "download linked file." You will see the Mp3 file on your computer desktop after the download is complete. Then, select and drag the audio file into the software application that you normally use to play Mp3 audio files, such as iTunes. Now the talk should be playable on your computer or on a portable Mp3 player/ iPod. You can also listen to talks online without even downloading them by simply double clicking on the link.

To download multiple Mp3 audio files contained in a zip folder, press the alt-option key on your keyboard while clicking on the link, or right click on the link and select "download linked file."This should download the "zip folder" that contains the audio files of the selected talk on to your computer desktop. After the download is complete, double click on the zip folder icon on your desktop to open it. Next, select and drag the audio files from the zip folder into the software application that you normally use to play Mp3 audio files, such as iTunes. Now the talks should be playable on your computer or on a portable Mp3 player/iPod. Longer talks cannot be listened to without downloading the audio files.


Please feel free to contact us if you need any assistance with accessing and/or dowloading study and practice resources on the website.