Influx TICK stack cheatsheet

Install TICK


wget sudo yum localinstall telegraf-1.2.1.x86_64.rpm


wget sudo yum localinstall influxdb-1.2.2.x86_64.rpm


wget sudo yum localinstall chronograf-1.3.0.x86_64.rpm


wget sudo yum localinstall kapacitor-1.2.0.x86_64.rpm


install InfluxDB - time series DB

      1. start Influxdb service

      2. service influxdb start

      3. verify Influxdb is running

        1. curl "http://localhost:8086/query?q=show+databases"

      4. Vim /etc/influxdb/influxdb.conf

      5. edit [admin] stanza

      6. enabled = true

      7. bind-address = ":8083"

      8. restart influxb, admin GUI should be available http://<ip addr>:8083

      9. create new user 'admin', with pw

Telegraf (metrics agent)

Install Telegraf - metrics gathering agent. Uses plugins to collect data from different endpoints

      1. start telegraf service

      2. service telegraf start

      3. test Telegraf

        1. curl "http://localhost:8086/query?q=select+*+from+telegraf..cpu"

start "influx" cmd line

> show databases

> use telegraf

> show measurements

gets JSON of measurements

Install Kapacitor - data processing and alerts

Kapacitor is a data processing engine. It lets you plug in your own custom logic to process alerts with dynamic thresholds, match metrics for patterns, or identify statistical anomalies. We will use Kapacitor to read data from InfluxDB, generate alerts, and send those alerts to a specified email address.

    1. start kapacitor service

    2. service kapacitor start

    3. verify kapacitor is running

    4. Run kapacitor list tasks

    5. should get

    6. ID Type Status Executing Databases and Retention Policies

Install Chronograf - graphing and visual presenter

Chronograf is a graphing and visualization application that provides tools to visualize monitoring data and create alerting and automation rules. It includes support for templates, and has a library of intelligent, pre-configured dashboards for common data sets. We'll configure it to connect to the other components we've installed.

      1. start chronograf service

      2. chronograf &

      3. connect to cronograf via port 8888

      4. http://localhost:8888

      5. login to cronograf using Influx creds

    1. Add Kapacitor to Cronograf, configure kapacitor monitoring