Salt Notes

Task: Copy a .zip file to a minion and unzip it into a different directory.

This script is in two parts, first copy file to minion and set permissions etc, then the archive “” is unzipped into a new directory called /opt/rabbit-c-0.5

/opt/xxx/ file: - managed - source: salt://common/mq/ - mode: 664 - user: root - group: - name: archive.unzip - zipfile: /opt/xxx/ - dest: /opt/rabbitmq-c-0.5

Task: Untar a .tar archive

Like our zip file example above, but this time a .tar archive, note the “options” line.

/opt/master.tar: - name: archive.tar - options: xvf - tarfile: /opt/master.tar - dest: /opt

Task: Add a user to the Minion

In this example we create an account for a daemon that needs a user account but does not allow log in’s. The user account to create is “collectd”. More information on the user add command is available at

collectd: user.present: - fullname: 'Collectd Daemon' - createhome: false - shell: /bin/nologin

Create a MySQL Database, User and Set Permissions

This block of code creates a database if NOT present and defines the user with permissions. The script also sets the password via a variable which is hand if the variable is reused in other parts of the script later.

## create and setup the DB#keystone: mysql_database: - present mysql_grants.present: - grant: all privileges - database: keystone.* - user: keystone - host: localhost mysql_user.present: - host: localhost - password: {{ KEYSTONE_DBPASS }} - connection_charset: utf8 - saltenv: - LC_ALL: "en_US.utf8"

Copy over a shell script to minion, and execute it,

Store your script in salt filestore, copy to minion, it


/tmp/ ## this will copy your shell script to /tmp


- source: salt://linux/scripts/

- makdirs: True ## create the target dir if not present

- user: root

- group: root

- mode: 755 ## actions for your script ## run it!

- name: /tmp/ ## name of script on the target

- requires

- file: salt://linux/scripts/