Kerberos SSO configuration

Problem: A new web application uses regular Apache httpd authorizations to directories entries and you want to authenticate the users using their Active Directory (AD) credentials.

Solution: Through the implementation of an Active Directory service principal, httpd can authenticate users either coming from an already existing AD connection, which is seamless and provides Single Sign-On (SSO) or, if not coming from their Windows/AD connections, authenticate to AD with a password.

Single Sign-On (SSO) using GSS API:

In order to implement httpd SSO using GSS API, the following steps are required:

    1. Setup /etc/krb5.conf on target server

    2. Create a service principal in Active Directory and a keytab for apache authentication

    3. Setup the Apache web server on target server

    4. Configure the apache directives

    5. Configure the user browser for automatic logon

Setup the web server kerberos configuration and related utilities and libraries

Any machine communicating with AD or even just containing services that provide GSS API authentication needs a properly configured /etc/krb5.conf, specifying the kerberos realm and other parameters. This file should be writable only by root but readable by all users. Here is an example:

# /etc/krb5.conf


default_realm = SPROCKETS.LOCAL

dns_lookup_realm = true

dns_lookup_kdc = true

ticket_lifetime = 10h

renew_lifetime = 7d

forwardable = true

kdc_timesync = true

ccache_type = 4

proxiable = true

fcc-mit-ticketflags = true

default_keytab_name = FILE:/etc/krb5.keytab

verify_ap_req_nofail = true



kdc = sprockets.local

admin_server = dom01.sprockets.local



sprockets.local = SPROCKETS.LOCAL

.sprockets.local = SPROCKETS.LOCAL

.nyc.sprockets.local = SPROCKETS.LOCAL

.tex.sprockets.local = SPROCKETS.LOCAL

.smd.sprockets.local = SPROCKETS.LOCAL

[domain realm]

Notice the domain realm section in the /etc/krb5.conf. This section provides a mapping between the host name and the Kerberos realm.

In Active Directory, independently where the host is installed in the directory services (LDAP) structure, i.e. the Organizational Units (OU), all of them are mapped to a flat Kerberos realm. The mapping above means that a host named host1.sprockets.local, created in AD as CN=host1, OU=New York, OU=Linux, DC=SPROCKETS, DC=local, is mapped as host1.SPROCKETS.LOCAL in the Kerberos database.

Install the krb5 utils and libraries:

$ sudo yum install krb5-libs krb5-workstation

Create a service principal in Active Directory and a keytab for apache authentication

Once the /etc/krb5.conf file is in place, access to and manipulating objects in Active Directory is possible.

Where this step can be executed

This step can either be executed in the target host (if it is able to communicate with Active Directory) or at any other Linux host, including your personal VM. If you choose the later, simply create the /etc/krb5.conf file and install the krb5 RPMs as instructed in the previous step.


The tool used to create the AD service principals in a Linux host is msktutil, This tool fetches and manages kerberos keytabs, creates accounts and services principals in an Active Directory environment. This is needed only in the Linux host where the keytab is created so, if you are not doing this step in the Apache httpd server itself, do not install it there.

$ sudo yum install msktutil

Authenticate (initialize your kerberos ticket) with an Active Directory domain administrator account:

$ kinit '$homer.simpson@SPROCKETS.LOCAL' (make sure case matches to whats in krb5.conf)

$ klist

Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_2501

Default principal: myadministratoraccount@SPROCKETS.LOCAL

Valid starting Expires Service principal

08/31/16 14:41:32 09/01/16 00:41:32 krbtgt/SPROCKETS.LOCAL@SPROCKETS.LOCAL

renew until 09/01/16 00:41:32

Create the httpd service principal keytab. The following command uses "nycweb01.sprockets.local" as an example:

short and fqdn references

Attention to the distinction among the service, account-name and hostname options references to the host name. The HTTP service principal and the hostname use the fqdn, but the account name is a short host identification.

$ msktutil --create \

--use-service-account \

--user-creds-only \

--service HTTP -s HTTP/nycweb01.sprockets.local \

--keytab ./httpd.keytab \

--account-name nycweb01.httpd \

--hostname nycweb01.sprockets.local \

--base 'OU=Utility Accounts,OU=Sprocket-Users' \

--no-pac \

--dont-expire-password \


Confirm the keytab is properly created

$ klist -t -k httpd.keytab

Keytab name: FILE:httpd.keytab

KVNO Timestamp Principal

---- ----------------- --------------------------------------------------------

15 08/13/16 16:58:35 web01.httpd@SPROCKETS.LOCAL

15 08/13/16 16:58:35 web01.httpd@SPROCKETS.LOCAL

15 08/13/16 16:58:35 web01.httpd@SPROCKETS.LOCAL

15 08/13/16 16:58:35 HTTP/web01@SPROCKETS.LOCAL

15 08/13/16 16:58:35 HTTP/web01@SPROCKETS.LOCAL

15 08/13/16 16:58:35 HTTP/web01@SPROCKETS.LOCAL

confirm Authentication

kinit -Vkt httpd.keytab web01.httpd

Using default cache: /tmp/krb5cc_0

Using principal: web01.httpd@COMPANY.LOCAL

Using keytab: httpd.keytab

Authenticated to Kerberos v5

Destroy your administrator accounts kerberos tickets:

$ kdestroy

$ klist

klist: No credentials cache found (ticket cache FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_2501)

Copy the keytab to the target web server. In the following paragraphs, it assumes the location is /etc/httpd/httpd.keytab

$ rsync -vpP httpd.keytab web01:/etc/httpd/httpd.keytab

In the target web server, set the proper ownership and permissions for the keytab:

$ sudo chown daemon:daemon /etc/httpd/httpd.keytab

$ sudo chmod 600 /etc/httpd/httpd.keytab

Configure the apache directives

Any Apache <Directory> stanza can now authorize based on Kerberos (AD) SSO through GSS-API.

Here is an example through the Nagios configuration, notice the 'Krb' entries, where references to the AD realm and the keytab you created in the previous steps:

<Directory "/usr/share/nagios/">

AuthzSendForbiddenOnFailure On

Options None

AllowOverride None

Order allow,deny

Allow from all

AuthName "Nagios Access"

AuthType Kerberos


KrbServiceName HTTP/nycweb01.sprockets.local

Krb5KeyTab /etc/httpd/httpd.keytab

KrbMethodK5Passwd off

KrbLocalUserMapping on

KrbSaveCredentials on


AuthGroupFile /etc/httpd/conf/httpd-access-groups

Require group nagios-users


Additional Apache modules

Apache needs mod_auth_kerb installed and loaded, in order to provide GSS-API authentication with Active Directory

Install the RPM:$ sudo yum install mod_auth_kerb

In your Apache configuration, load the module:LoadModule auth_kerb_module /usr/lib64/httpd/modules/

the full Apache config file including 80 and 443,

# Apache configuration for BGSE logs access

LoadModule auth_kerb_module /usr/lib64/httpd/modules/

<VirtualHost *:80>

ServerName sprockets



ErrorLog /var/log/httpd/sprockets-error_log

CustomLog /var/log/httpd/sprockets-access_log common

DocumentRoot //usr/share/nagios

RewriteEngine On

RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off

RewriteRule (.*) https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI}


<VirtualHost *:443>

ServerName sprockets



ErrorLog /var/log/httpd/sprockets-error_log

CustomLog /var/log/httpd/sprockets-access_log common

DocumentRoot /usr/share/nagios

SSLEngine on

SSLCertificateKeyFile "/etc/httpd/conf.d/"

SSLCertificateFile "/etc/httpd/conf.d/"

<Directory "/usr/share/nagios/">

AuthzSendForbiddenOnFailure On

Options None

AllowOverride None

Order allow,deny

Allow from all

AuthName "Nagios Access"

AuthType Kerberos


KrbServiceName HTTP/nycweb01.sprockets.local

Krb5KeyTab /etc/httpd/httpd.keytab

KrbMethodK5Passwd off

KrbLocalUserMapping on

KrbSaveCredentials on


Require valid-user



Restart Apache or reload its configuration

$ sudo /sbin/service httpd reload

Configure the user browser for automatic logon

These instructions work both for Internet Explorer and Google Chrome, since both load their configuration from the Control Panel Internet Options settings.

Close your browser, go to 'Control Panel' and open 'Internet Options' (you can search for it in the search bar):

Select the Security tab and the Local intranet icon

Click at Sites

Click at Advanced and Add sites or URL wildcards, indication which ones you want to be able to login automatically from your Windows account.:

Click Close then OK. You should be back to the Internet Properties Security tab. Click at Custom Level and slide all the way to the bottom of the options list. You should see "Automatic logon only in Intranet zone".

Click OK and then leave the Internet Options Control panel application.

Open a browser and go to the Apache httpd URL you configured with SSO. You should be authenticated without the need to provide a password.


Apache config

add LogLevel Debug to apache config to troubleshoot

<VirtualHost *:80>

ServerName sprockets



ErrorLog /var/log/httpd/sprockets-error_log

CustomLog /var/log/httpd/sprockets-access_log common

LogLevel Debug

if getting gss_accept_sec_context() failed: An unsupported mechanism was requested (, Unknown error)

edit Apache config to accept KrbServiceName Any, restart apache and try again, this checks if your HTTP service name is misconfigured

If Kerb is not passing the user name over to the Kerb server (NULL)

check the /etc/httpd/httpd.keytab file

a proper Keytab file should contain weird characters, not plain text. An incorrectly formed keytab file will prevent the passing of username to Kerberos

cat httpd.keytab

.G..COMPANY.LOCALweb01.httpd.[N5�...��f\.Z�GR._x?���.G..COMPANY.LOCALweb01.httpd.[N5�...�=.�.�6w!k�e���.W..COMPANY.LOCALweb01.httpd.[N5�.. ]c��84��w�1Jo�.zH�rDY>�
