Dockerize Flask app + logs into Splunk

more details:

Section A: configure Docker and Flask App

    1. install docker-ce

    2. install docker-compose

under main Flask project, place a Dockerfile,

This tells Docker to build an image

    • using Centos 7 base image

    • install PIP and Git

    • copy the core Flask app over to "/opt/maestro" inside the image

    • install PIP modules

    • add user+group

    • open up port 80

    • start any containers based on this image as 'jira-maestro' user

    • if bashing into the container, will login to WORKDIR

    • start the Flask app using the ENTRYPOINT arguments


FROM centos:7

RUN yum clean expire-cache && yum clean all && \

mkdir /opt/maestro && \

yum -y install python-pip git && \

COPY . /opt/maestro

RUN cd /opt/maestro && pip install -r requirements.txt && \

groupadd jira-maestro && adduser jira-maestro -g jira-maestro && \

chown -R jira-maestro:jira-maestro /opt/maestro && yum clean all && rm -rf /var/cache


USER jira-maestro

WORKDIR /opt/maestro

ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/bin/python", ""]

create a new directory in main app folder called "docker-scripts"

add new Docker Build script. This will create a new Image with the Flask app, then run a Container and pass the Port and Logging requirements to the container,


# Docker build on a local dev box

# Version of Flask App


# Docker image tag


# Maestro port


# Splunk Hostname


splunk_token=<INSERT TOKEN>

# current devbox


dev_ip=$(facter networking.ip)

echo "building image locally.."

# cleanup previous builds

docker stop jira-maestro

# remove stopped containers

docker rm -v $(docker ps -aq -f status=exited)

docker rm jira-maestro

# clean up previous images

img_id=$(docker images --format="{{.ID}}" $tag)

[[ $img_id ]] && docker rmi -f $img_id

# remove dangling images

docker rmi $(docker images -f dangling=true -q)

# build image

docker build -t "${tag}" --no-cache=true .

# run container

printf "\n\n----- RUNNING CONTAINER ------"

img_id=$(docker images --format="{{.ID}}" $tag)

id=$(docker run -d \

-p $port:$port \

--add-host $dev_host:$dev_ip \

--log-driver=splunk \

--log-opt splunk-url=https://$splunk_host:8088 \

--log-opt splunk-token=$splunk_token \

--log-opt splunk-insecureskipverify=true \

--log-opt splunk-index=docker \

--log-opt tag="jira-maestro" \

--name jira-maestro $img_id)

run the build ./

Section B: Start Splunk container, configure HEC Token

docker pull splunk/splunk

docker run -d -e "SPLUNK_START_ARGS=--accept-license" -e "SPLUNK_USER=root" -p "8000:8000" -p "8088:8088" splunk/splunk

log into Splunk


change the default password


settings > Data Inputs > HTTP Event Collector

create a new collector called Docker,

update the with Splunk Token

Flask app should now log to Splunk