
We will explain the fundamental principles of special relativity, define inertial reference frame, explain why simultaneous events for one observer may not be simultaneous for another observer, and describe the Michelson-Morley experiment.

We will learn the two postulates of the special theory of relativity:

– the relativity principle

– the constancy of the speed of light

We will describe and give examples of the relativistic effects of time

dilation, length contraction, and mass increase.

We will calculate relativistic time dilation, length contraction, and mass increase and explain, by using relativistic mass increase or relativistic addition of velocities, why objects cannot exceed the speed of light in a vacuum.

We will be able to describe the equivalence of energy and mass, and solve problems involving

– energy

– mass

– speed of light

A great introduction to Special Relativity.

Another good video on Special Relativity.

An old, but great, video on Relativity.

Why it is so hard to measure the speed of light.

An excellent video helping you understand Einstein's Theory of General Relativity.

Traditional ideas of gravity must be thrown out to start to understand the General Theory of Relativity.

Another video helping to introduce General Relativity.

An entire playlist about Einstein and his ideas.

FermiLab's wonderful playlist on Relativity.

A playlist with cartoon animations to explain Relativity.